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Welcome to Literacy Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Literacy Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Literacy Night!
Wonders Reading Program

2 Why Wonders? More Rigorous Includes all components of reading
Students are exposed to the different genres Differentiated Instruction (leveled readers) Includes writing component Comprehensive- meeting all Language Arts Florida Standards

3 Components of Wonders Whole- Group Instruction Small-Group Instruction
Vocabulary, Read-Alouds, Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Spelling, High-Frequency Words, Skills and Strategies Small-Group Instruction Differentiated, Leveled Readers, Strategy groups Weekly & Unit Benchmark Assessments Writing Interactive, shared, independent writing Grammar Different types of writing (narrative, descriptive, persuasive, expository)


5 Typical day teaching Wonders


7 How do I get my 20 minutes? Keep a few books in the car
Read everything! Signs, food boxes, magazines, notes in their lunchbox, etc. Read while you wait at a restaurant, doctor’s office Keep books by the bed Read to a sibling Listen to stories online Read activity books, such as cookbooks or game instruction manuals (mindcraft)

8 Read book from A to Z- Go Animals Go!

9 We’re Reading, Now What?






15 Reading Running Records
District wide reading assessment tool. Finds students Independent Level- the level that they should be able to read fluently on their own and comprehend the reading. Finds students Instructional Level- the level that they need guidance and support from another adult to read. Teachers use this as a tool to differentiate instruction.

16 School to Home Connection


18 What do you wonder about Wonders?

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