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Fremont Indians By Phillip A. Wallace Table Of Contents:  Slide three: Tribe traditions  Slide four: What did they eat  Slide five: Where did they.

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Presentation on theme: "Fremont Indians By Phillip A. Wallace Table Of Contents:  Slide three: Tribe traditions  Slide four: What did they eat  Slide five: Where did they."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fremont Indians By Phillip A. Wallace

3 Table Of Contents:  Slide three: Tribe traditions  Slide four: What did they eat  Slide five: Where did they live  Slide six: How did they dress  Slide seven: Famous people  Slide eight: Contributions  Slide nine: how big was the tribe  Slide ten: Extra information  Slide eleven: Quiz  Slid twelve: Bibliography  Slid thirteen: About the author

4 Tribe Traditions  Made dolls  Diwali (holiday)  Fire dance

5 What did they eat? The Fremont Indians ate deer and rabbits. Farmers grew corn depending on where they lived at the time. The others went and got edible plants.

6 Where did they live? The Fremont Indians lived in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada which is in different directions like Idaho is right above Utah. Wyoming is right by Idaho. Which is in the continent North America.

7 How did they dress? The Women in the Fremont tribe wore sari if they were married if they weren’t married they wore salwar, rimes or Kurt clothing. Men wore shirts, pants, Karta pajama and dhoti Karta.

8 Famous People Joseph Walker James W. Loewen Thomas Fitzpatrick

9 Contributions  Arrow heads are now used for hunting  Ladders are now used for climbing to high places  Pottery is now used for carrying water

10 How big was the tribe? There was about 300 people in the Fremont tribe there were about 150 men, 100 women and 50 children in the tribe. Children help the adults do work around the houses, yard work and mainly getting food.

11 Extra infomation The Fremont Indians Spoke many different languages like French and Spanish and tons of others. The Fremont Indians lived in a pit house and other. Extra information

12 Quiz 1.What did women if they were married wear? 2.What two meats did they eat? 3.How many women and men were in the tribe? Answers 1. Sari 2. Deer an rabbit 3. 100 women and 150 men and 50 children

13 Bibliography Fremont History and cloture I love history

14 About the author 1.Where do I live? Roy Utah 2.What's my favorite book? Spirit Animals 3.Favorite activates? Doing work 4.What should you know about me? I’m good at soccer 5.How do I help others? Sharing 6.Favorite subject? Math

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