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Best Practice of Innovation Management in Private Sector

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1 Best Practice of Innovation Management in Private Sector

2 Definition “Innovation is production or adoption, assimilation, and exploitation of a value-added novelty in economic and social spheres; renewal and enlargement of products, services, and markets; development of new methods of production; and establishment of new management systems. It is both a process and an outcome.".(Edison et al, 2013)

3 Definition “ Innovation as the introduction of new products, the introduction of new method of production, the opening of a new market, the conquest of a new source of supply of raw materials and the carrying out of the new organization of any industry “(Schumpeter, 1934)

4 Innovation`s Dimensions
Creativity Learning Knowledge Collaboration Context Context Source : Bassiti, L. El & Ajhoun, R International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology. 4(6). Pp

5 Innovation Model ; Pull and Push
The first and second generation models are linear models explaining innovation as either being pulled by market needs, or pushed by technology and science

6 Innovation Management ; The Pentathlon Framework
The innovation pentathlon consists of : 1) creating an innovation strategy, 2) generating ideas, 3) prioritizing and selecting from these, 4) implementing the ideas selected 5) involving people from across the business.

7 The Pentathlon Framework

8 Case Study 1 ; Singapore Airlines
Vote world’s best airline in surveys by Travel magazine First-to-market strategy for many years More modern aircraft offering : Larger than average seating First in-flight- phones and faxes Leader in the introduction of electronic tickets Flexible for-flight confirmation by phone, fax or Staff receive longer and more detailed training Visit senior citizen’s homes

9 Case Study 2 ; IKEA of Sweden
IKEA is a Swedish company that design and sells ready-to-assemble furnitures, appliances and home accessories. Communicate widely about innovation strategy Innovate keeping your core strength in mind. IKEA make sure it has something appealing for everyone at low price. Innovations means maintaining good quality Flat packing means cost saving on transportation and assembly IKEA has a well-defined organizational and governance structure to manage innovation Innovation in IKEA catalogue. IKEA catalogue is a study on how to create in year-long invitation to IKEA stores IKEA operative KPI measure the achievements in terms of innovation status and milestones Innovations and changes comes from the top

10 Selesai

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