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Algebra 1 CC & Int. Geometry Mr. Eugene Vo Mrs. Jessica Coleman (student teacher)

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Presentation on theme: "Algebra 1 CC & Int. Geometry Mr. Eugene Vo Mrs. Jessica Coleman (student teacher)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Algebra 1 CC & Int. Geometry Mr. Eugene Vo Mrs. Jessica Coleman (student teacher)

2 Contact Information School Website: My website: Student portal and e-book: Student logs into My e-Class Parent Portal:

3 Extra Help/Practice I am available: Most Mornings: Monday-Friday 6:45-7:00 Most T, W, TH 2:15-2:45 EXTRA PRACTICE (My eClass--Students have access to ALL extra resources for the textbook on this website.) NHS and MUA offer 1-on-1 free tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 1.346 from 2:30 to 3:15PM starting September 10 th.

4 ADVISEMENT TUTORING Math tutoring with a math teacher and CHLT students During student’s regularly scheduled advisement time May be signed up no more than 2 days a week (excluding Tuesday) Must be signed up at least 24 hours in advance

5 Int. Geometry Grading Scale Class Assessments - 35% Summative Assessments – 40% Interim/Midterm – 5% Final Exam/EOCT – 20%

6 Algebra 1 CC Grading Scale Class Assessments - 30% Homework – 5% Interim/Midterm – 5% Summative Assessments – 40% Final Exam/EOCT – 20%

7 Important Dates Next test: September 10, 2013 (Alg 1) 1 st Progress Reports Issued (6 wk): Sept. 26 th 2 nd Progress Reports Issued (12 wk): November 7 th Final Exams: December 18 th – 20 th

8 Parent Portal Great resource to keep up with grades, absences, etc. Updated every 24 hours See counseling office to sign up

9 Any Questions? Thank you for coming!

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