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Paul Hermon Programme Director, Product Design & Development School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Enhancing the Educational Development of Individuals.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Hermon Programme Director, Product Design & Development School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Enhancing the Educational Development of Individuals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Hermon Programme Director, Product Design & Development School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Enhancing the Educational Development of Individuals in Group Projects 5th International CDIO Conference Singapore Polytechnic 7 - 10 June 2009

2 Overview CDIO Standard 5 Integrated curriculum with group DBT projects at core of each year Staged educational development Mechanisms for enhancing learning Observations

3 CDIO Standard 5 – Design Build Experiences A curriculum that includes two or more design-build experiences, including one at a basic level and one at an advanced level Armstrong, P.J. & Niewoehner, R., The CDIO Approach to the Development of Student Skills and Attributes, 4 th International CDIO Conference (2008) Suggested that standard 5 should be extended to include a project based course in every year of a program and that these projects should progressively include more lifecycle stages in each year building towards the capstone

4 Educational Psychology Perry, W. G., Forms of Ethical and Intellectual Development in the College Years: A Scheme, Holt, Rinehart, & Winston (1970) Cognitive development is a multi stage process with growth happening in major steps as a response to challenges just above the current level of ability. Csikszentmihalyi, M., Flow – The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Harper & Row (1990) Defined a +1 principle of tasks of an appropriate level; between boredom, where no learning occurs and panic, where survival strategies rather than deep learning dominate.

5 CDIO Integrated Curriculum DesignBuildTest Skills & Attributes Technical Knowledge Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

6 CDIO Integrated Curriculum – Stage 1 PDD SEMESTER 1SEMESTER 2 Computer-Aided Design 1 (1.0) MEE1020 Product Design Methods & Practice 1 (1.0) MEE1024 Creative Design Skills 1 (0.5) MEE1030 Design Project 1 (0.5) MEE1025 Introduction to Product Design 1 (1.0) MEE1033 Materials 1 (0.5) MEE1021 Statics 1 (0.5) MEE1022 Mathematics for Product Design 1 (1.0) MEE1026 (BEng) Engineering Mathematics 1 (0.5) MEE1036 (MEng) Electrical Engineering 1 (0.5) FOE1006 (MEng)

7 CDIO Integrated Curriculum – Stage 2 PDD SEMESTER 1SEMESTER 2 Manufacturing Processes and Systems (1.0) MEE2025 Computer-Aided Design 2 (0.5) MEE2036 Design & Prototyping Projects 2 (1.0) MEE2026 Polymer Properties for Design 2 (1.0) MEE2033 Design & Manufacturing Studies 2 (0.5) MEE2022 Electronics 2B (0.5) ELE2032 Mathematics for Product Design 2 (0.5) MEE2035 (BEng) Fluids & Thermodynamics (P) 2 (0.5) AER2020 Solids & Structures (P) 2 (0.5) MEE2027 (MEng) Dynamics (P) 2 (0.5) MEE2037

8 Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Level (Revised) Appropriate Verbs 1: Remember define, describe, enumerate, examine, identify, label, list, name, quote, reproduce, select, show, state, tabulate. 2: Understand contrast, convert, describe, differentiate, discuss, distinguish, estimate, extend, generalizes, give examples, interpret, paraphrase, predict, summarize. 3: Apply apply, assess, calculate, compute, construct, control, demonstrate, determine, develop, establish, examine, illustrate, modify, relate, show, solve. 4: Analyse analyse, classify, compare, connect, divide, explain, infer, order, separate. 5: Evaluate assess, compare, conclude, criticize, critique, decide, discriminate, evaluate, interpret, judge, justify, recommend, reframes, select, summarise, support, test. 6: Create adapt, anticipate, compare, compose, contrast, create, design, devise, formulate, generalize, generate, integrate, model, modify, plan, reconstructs, revise, structure, synthesize, validate.

9 DBT Learning Outcomes & Bloom’s Taxonomy Stage 1 - MEE1025 – Design Project1 (1 group project, 12 weeks duration) Use creative and lateral thinking tools creation of ideas Use creative and lateral thinking tools and techniques in the creation of ideas and concepts for an innovative new product. Performanalysis Perform market analysis to compare products of competitors. analyze Conduct product dissection to analyze existing products. Apply Apply critical thinking and problem solving techniques in the development of a new design. Use illustrate Use sketching, rendering and CAD skills to illustrate design concepts. referencing Produce a technical report and presentation, referencing relevant sources. Develop Develop time management, project management and team working skills Stage 2 - MEE2026 – Design and Prototyping Projects 2 (3 group projects, 8 weeks each) Develop Develop design briefs into viable physical prototypes involving a number of assembled components. Use testing revise establish Use a range of Rapid Prototyping and virtual prototyping hardware and software tools along with physical testing to iteratively revise design concepts to establish an optimal solution. Utilize Utilize a number of tools and techniques introduced in the Stage 1 “Product Design Methods & Practice” module, further developing the skills required of professional product designers. Plan organize Plan and organize a project. Run Run effective formal design review meetings. Develop problem solving Develop problem solving and effective decision making skills. Refine Refine time management and team working skills. Stage 3 - MEE3052 – Project 3P (1 group project, 24 weeks duration) Identify Identify an unfulfilled customer need and assess the potential for a viable new product in the market. Apply Apply knowledge and understanding of a specialist subject and related elements of professional product design practice. analyze solve Collate information, analyze and solve a technical problem. review Design or develop a system, component or process and recognize opportunities for improvements in a design through review. Utilize Utilize appropriate laboratory equipment, computer software and instrumentation, in order to accomplish the objectives of a project. Communicate Communicate effectively the results of a project in oral presentations and written reports. Design and plan a project and manage Design and plan a project and manage the time involved to complete all tasks to the respective deadlines. Work and learn independently. communicate effectively Work and communicate effectively as a member of a project team. review Critically review all aspects of the completed design build and test project

10 So that’s the plan – but what happens ? Problems occur »Students build on strengths and avoid weaknesses »Freeloaders »Differences in pace of students’ educational development »Dysfunctional groups »Deadlines and time pressure exacerbate all of the above

11 Mechanisms of Enhancing the Educational Environment Learning outcomes constructively aligned with assessed tasks Peer assessment categories aligned with learning outcomes Peer assessment included in marking scheme Online shared space to facilitate collaboration Student preferences included in group formation process Personal Development Planning questionnaire in 1 st year Peer feedback Timely formative feedback as a dialogue between tutor and student

12 Group Formation – Student Preference Matrix

13 Personal Development Planning Self assessment questionnaire Students keep progress file Focussed on skills and attributes Personal tutor assistance Plan of action, opportunities in curriculum Responsibility for own learning Develop CPD attitude

14 Observations Building the curriculum is only the start Continual critical review is necessary Students respond well to efforts to improve their learning environment Facilitators of learning not teachers in DBT projects


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