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THE GRETAs (ministry of national Education). GRETAs network o 212 Gretas (grouping of public educational schools) in France, 5 in Poitou-Charentes. o.

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Presentation on theme: "THE GRETAs (ministry of national Education). GRETAs network o 212 Gretas (grouping of public educational schools) in France, 5 in Poitou-Charentes. o."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE GRETAs (ministry of national Education)

2 GRETAs network o 212 Gretas (grouping of public educational schools) in France, 5 in Poitou-Charentes. o Pooling their skills ans technical means o providing adult continuous training

3 - GRETA are spread on the whole territory o 212 GRETA in France (2008) = 6.500 training center among them 200 language centres and 170 skill audits centres o 1.335 adult training advisors o 36.000 trainers 450.000 trainees/year 423.000 millions Euros turnover

4 The main services of the GRETAs Training … but also counselling and guidance for qualification and employment o Skills and professionnal analysis o Training counselling o Pedagogical and training engineering o Training of trainers and tutors o Training o Evaluation o Guidance o Accreditation of life experience (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience)

5 Training fields (2008)

6 Target o Mainly employees o Trainings leading to diplomas from the ‘CAP’ (after the lower secondary level) to the ‘BTS’ (2 years after the Baccalaureate), and sometimes vocational post-secondary degrees. o Customized training : considering individual needs and projects, achievements, ways of learning…

7 The main fund providers of the GRETA (2008)

8 The Poitou-Charentes GRETA network :

9 The training offer in the field of renewable energies o certified trainings: complementary course of Technician in renewable energies (specialization electrician or heating/ventilation and AC technician), technician in windturbine maintenance … o qualifying trainings in the fields of photovoltaïc (denomination qualiPV’élec), solar heating, heat pumps, wood energy… o training courses concerning the laws around the renewable energies

10 Needs identified in our region o Training needs in different fields : - development of the energetical performance for the buildings; - specially in air renewing and efficient lightening; o Needs of efficient technological platforms /framework in order to offer the trainings concerning the renewable energies and the energetical performance; o Needs of training trainers

11 Our main partners oThe professional organizations of the building sector : la CAPEB et la FFB oThe organizations providers of fundings for the companies of the building sector : le FAFSAB, l’AREF BTP o Local partners: La région Poitou-Charentes (regional authority), Pôle Emploi (national employment agency), la DIRECCTE (regional work direction ), l’ADEME Poitou-Charentes (regional agency for environmental questions) o Other training centers: l’AFPA (adult training centres), les CFA (apprenticeship), les CMA (professionnal chambers)

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