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Chapter 35 Lessons 1-4 Group #2 Robbie Gerke Lacey Greathead Jessie King Allison Ortega Morgan Thomas.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 35 Lessons 1-4 Group #2 Robbie Gerke Lacey Greathead Jessie King Allison Ortega Morgan Thomas."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chapter 35 Lessons 1-4 Group #2 Robbie Gerke Lacey Greathead Jessie King Allison Ortega Morgan Thomas

3 Target audience  Parents of Elementary School Students  Location: Open House  Age range: ~20-40 year old parents

4 The Basics …  The assistance given to an injured or sick person in need of urgent medical assistance. applies to a broad range of medical situations

5 The Basics (continued) First aid consists of:  specific knowledge  skills  the ability to assess a situation  make appropriate decisions

6 Child Safety  Protect your child #1 Priority

7 In an emergency situation…  Logical order to be followed: 1 st : Assess the scene 2 nd : Life threatening conditions?  Ask, “Are you okay?”  No response: call for help 3 rd : Attempt to help

8 The Good Samaritan Act  What it is … Law protecting those who provide help in emergency situations  What it does … Legal implications

9 First Aid for Choking, Rescue Breathing, and CPR

10 Choking: The Universal Sign  Inability to talk  Difficult breathing  Inability to cough forcefully  Skin, lips and nails turning blue  Loss of consciousness

11 Choking  Choking occurs when…  Main causes in children  How to prevent

12 The Heimlich Maneuver

13 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)  Act quickly  A lifesaving technique  Must be certified to administer  What would you do?? What would you do??

14 CPR Video

15 Before You Begin  Ask, “Are you alright?”  Call for help FIRST  Roll onto back

16 The ABCs of CPR  Airway  Breathing  Circulation

17 When To Stop CPR  When to stop  The Do’s  The Don’ts

18 Where to get certified…  American Red Cross American Red Cross  American Heart Association American Heart Association  College/University Campus College/University Campus

19 Fractures, Sprains, and Strains

20 Fractures  Break in the bone  Different types Simple Comminuted Open Closed Undisplaced Displaced

21 Fractures  What to do Avoid movement! Never attempt to set the bone Immobilize using a splint Seek medical care immediately

22 Sprains  Stretching or tearing of soft tissue bands/ligaments  Caused by sudden falls, twists, blows  Commonly at joints: wrist, fingers, knees, ankles  Rest Ice Compression Elevation

23 Strains  Occur in muscles “pulled muscle”  Too much usage  Rest Ice Compression Elevation

24 Heat Emergencies  Heat Cramps  Heat Strokes

25 Heat Cramps  Caused by high temperatures  Body loses water and salts  Symptoms Muscle cramps Heavy sweating Headache dizziness

26 Heat Cramps  What to do Move victim out of heat Firm pressure and gently massage Give water or sports drink  (4 oz/15 min)

27 Heat Stroke  Life Threatening  Symptoms Lack of perspiration Vomiting Confusion Irregular pulse

28 Heat Stroke  What to do Shade Cold water or ice packs:  neck, groin area, under arms Seek medical care immediately!

29 Cuts, Scrapes, and Burns

30 Cuts  Minor cuts clean wound  wash and disinfect control bleeding bandage/sterile gauze  Severe cuts Control bleeding Get to hospital

31 Scrapes  Clean wound remove debris wash and disinfect  Control bleeding bandage/sterile gauze

32 Minor Burns  Burn prevention keep stove off and hot items away from edges of counters allow food/drink to cool before serving  Identify severity

33 Minor Burns (cont’d)  Treatment Stop burning Soak in cool water Cover with dry, sterile dressing  Never apply cream

34 Bites and Stings

35 Animal Bites  Dangers Rabies Common carriers Symptoms Treatment

36 Bee Stings  Non-allergic Treatment Side effects  Allergic Treatment  get to hospital if possible  carry bee sting kit Side effects

37 Snake Bites  Poisonous snakes  Treatment for bites

38 Poisonings In the U.S. … Every 30 seconds a child is poisoned= 1 million children each year

39 4 Categories of Poisons  Solid Poisons  Liquid Poisons  Spray Poisons  Invisible Poisons

40 Most Common Poisons Medicines Cleaning products Antifreeze Windshield washer solution Carbon Monoxide Pesticides Wild Mushrooms

41 Common Symptoms Sudden Chest or abdominal pain/cramps Painful crying Chills or shaking Unusual thirst Cold/clammy skin Disorientation

42 Common Symptoms Slurred speech Difficulty breathing Dizziness / Lack of coordination Burns around the mouth N/V/D

43 If a Poisoning Occurs …  Remain calm  Call PCC: 1-800-222-1222 Provide the following information:  Child’s condition, age, and weight  Name, ingredients, amount ingested, and time poisoning happened  Your name and phone number

44 BASIC First Aid for Poisonings  Swallowed Poisons  Inhaled Poisons  Poisons on the skin  Poisons in the eye

45 Help Prevent Poisonings  Educate children  Medicine tips  Post the PCC number in home  Share this information caregivers  Ipecac medicine  Safe home

46 Home safety  Can occur anywhere  Preparedness is key  First Aid Kits  Call 911


48 Rules Answers will be given for four categories pertaining to today’s presentation. To answer the question, be the first to raise your hand. If you give the correct question, you may receive a prize! Any questions?

49 CPR and Choking Fractures, Sprains & Strains Bites, Stings & Scrapes Poisonings

50 This is the Universal Sign for choking.

51 Airway, Breathing, and Circulation represent this first aid concept.

52 Once breathing stops, this is the amount of time that a victim has before dying.

53 This is the term for a stretch or tear in the ligament.

54 The acronym R.I.C.E. is a tool to help remember treatment of these two injuries.

55 This is the term for a break in a bone.

56 Dogs and raccoons are common agents of transmission for this disease

57 This can be removed using a credit card or a pair of tweezers.

58 In order to prevent children getting burned by items on the stove you should do this

59 This is the approximate number of children that are poisoned each year in the U.S.?

60 Who you should call when your child swallows poison.

61 Any two of the four categories of poisons.

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