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Bacterial plasmids by E. Börje Lindström.

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1 Bacterial plasmids by E. Börje Lindström

2 Definitions Replicon: - a DNA-molecule with its own replication
Plasmid: a small extra-chromosomal replicon (autonomous) DS, closed molecule 1 – 1000 bp Episome: a plasmid that can be integrated into the chromosome e.g. the F-plasmid - a movable genetic element Transposon:

3 Different plasmids Grouped after their properties: F-plasmid /factor:
 100 kb

4 Different plasmids, cont.
- have genes for resistance against antibiotics and/or heavy metals R- plasmid: Size in kb pairs Plasmid R100

5 Different plasmids, cont.
Col – plasmids: produces colicins antibacterial Catabolic plasmids: have properties to use odd carbon/ energy sources many Psuedomonas have such plasmids Cryptic plasmids: - no known property

6 Plasmid genes Grouping
1) Essential genes for keeping the plasmid within the cell Replication: uses the replication system of the host cell have its own initiation, elongation and termination occurs during the entire cell cycle a certain amount of copies present per cell controlled by the initiation frequency low (1-4) to high (10-100) Copy number:

7 Plasmid genes, cont. Partitioning:
- only a problem for low and medium copy number Host specificity/range: - low to broad 2) Non-essential –important for transfer Are spread horizontally (among bacteria) Important genes - pili-genes - oriT - tra/ mob genes

8 Plasmid genes, cont. 3) Non-essential –with surviving value
Resistance against antibiotics Production of antibacterial substances (colicins) genes for pathogenesis/virulence genes to be able to use special energy/carbon sources, e.g. phenol

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