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NCSX NCSX Project Meeting Wayne Reiersen 15 December 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "NCSX NCSX Project Meeting Wayne Reiersen 15 December 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCSX NCSX Project Meeting Wayne Reiersen 15 December 2004

2 NCSX Congratulations! We had a very successful Lehman Review last week It was successful because of your hard work and accomplishments –The team has gelled –The work is getting done –The progress was clear to all The project received the highest commendation Come back in 6 months

3 NCSX Great progress is being made VVSA and MCWF procurements off to a great start Modular Coil Manufacturing Facility (MCMF) operational Fabrication of the Twisted Racetrack Coil underway Metrology capabilities being developed TF coil design simplified Better and more detailed plans developed for field period assembly and final assembly Current Design Machined nose Bonded wedge pieces CD-3 Design

4 NCSX Technical risks are being addressed Prudent design choices are the best line of defense –Inconel vacuum vessel guarantees low permeability, good strength at elevated temperature –Small, flexible conductor is easy to apply with minimal keystoning –Winding on a tee is an elegant design choice Serves as winding form and structural support without having to remove windings EM loads generally clamp winding packs to tee and shell –Continuous structural shell provides rigid support with low stresses –Large cross-section in TF and PF coils results in low stresses and allows single phase (LN2) cooling

5 NCSX Technical risks are being addressed R&D and prototyping are being done to underpin the design VV weld joint R&D Twisted Racetrack Coil (TRC) Testing of Modular Coil Conductor

6 NCSX Safety is getting due attention Safety is a prime focus in the Modular Coil Manufacturing Facility (MCMF) Operations Plan PHAs prepared for Autoclave and Coil Test Facility ACC formed and reviewed MCMF Stations 2 (the TRC winding station) and 5 (the autoclave) Hazards Awareness training is now offered – all NCSX staff are encouraged to enroll in this excellent course Excerpt from MCMF Operations Plan TOC

7 NCSX Cost and schedule status are improved Budget contingency has improved as a fraction of remaining work. Schedule contingency maintained at 5 months Cost performance indices are excellent - October 30th performance SPI= 1.01 CPI = 1.00

8 NCSX …but not without shedding a lot of work Deleted 150 C He bakeout equipment (–$460k) –Satisfy CD-4 needs by induction heating with the baseline power supplies. Deleted water cooling for deleted NBI and bakeout equipment. (–$280k) Adopted retrofittable trim coil design; simplified baseline config. (–$200k) –Experiments needed to clarify long-term needs– start with a basic system. Deleted costs for D-to-C-site DC transmission line. (–$439K) Use I&C software developments from NSTX. (–$274K) Simpler fueling system (–$60K). Share visible camera with NSTX (–$50K) Associated reductions in management & integration (–$430K) There is not a whole lot more work we can shed or push off – strict attention to managing our jobs will be required

9 NCSX The next Lehman Review is scheduled for June 2005 The stretch-out from 3-month to 6-month intervals reflects increased confidence in the project The venue is PPPL – they should see a lot of progress and see it first hand What are they expecting at the next review? Production of the VVSA should be well underway –MIT / QA Plans and supporting procedures should be finalized. –Materials should be delivered. –The dies and fixtures should be completed. –Forming of the production panels should underway. –The 1st 60º segment should be completed and the 2nd underway. Production of the modular coils should be well underway –The first Type C casting should have been delivered –The second Type C casting will be undergoing machining –The patterns for the Type B and Type A coils will have been completed –The cladding should be installed on the first Type C casting with winding underway (Tour Stop #1) The Twisted Racetrack Coil (TRC) program should be over –Fabrication should have been completed –Cryogenic testing in the Coil Test Facility (Tour Stop #2) should have been completed –The TRC should have been dissected to determine by inspection how well we met our tolerance requirements for control of the current center

10 NCSX Design reviews and contract awards should have been occurring regularly The next Lehman Review is scheduled for June 2005 Design Reviews VV Comprehensive FDR – Feb 05 TF PDR – Jan 05 TF FDR – Feb 05 MC Type C FDR – Feb 05 MC Type B FDR – May 05 Structures PDR – Apr 05 Cryostat and Base PDR – Dec 04 VV Prep Station Fixture FDR – Feb 05 MC Turning Fixture FDR – Feb 05 MC Half Period Assy Fixture FDR – May 05 Power Systems CDR – Mar 05 Contract Awards VV thermal insulation RFP – Apr 05 VV cooling tubes RFP – May 05 TF RFP – Mar 05 TF contract award – Jun 05 TF castings RFP – Jun 05 VV Prep Station Fixture RFP – Mar 05 MC Turning Fixture RFP – Mar 05 MC Half Period Assy Fixture RFP – Jun 05

11 NCSX Keys to our continued success We plan the work and work the plan –Continued good cost and schedule performance is essential for the project’s continued funding –No more work to shed or push off requires we kick it up a notch in managing our jobs –Make sure all and only the activities that need to be done are included in the job and are properly budgeted, scheduled, and tracked We work together and follow the same set of rules –NCSX is unique – it is large ($86M), it is a partnership (PPPL/ORNL), and participants are geographically distributed –We have put together a plan for how the project should run Documented in the SEMP and supporting plans and procedures It builds on existing PPPL procedures, supplementing them with NCSX- specific procedures where necessary Recent audits have highlighted the need for training because project participants do not generally have a good understanding how we want to do business –Bob Simmons will be providing training to all project participants in the next few months so we can work more effectively as a team –Your cooperation and feedback are essential We put safety first –Nothing else is more important. Period.

12 NCSX Transitions Marianne Tyrrell came on board this year as the NCSX Engineering Administrator –Taking over responsibilities maintaining the Engineering Web –Tracking chits and action items from design reviews monthly –The person to see to get something done –Makes coming to work “almost worthwhile” (RJM) Brad Nelson has become the first non-PPPL RLM –Brad will be the RLM for all design and off-site fabrication jobs in Stellarator Core Systems (WBS 1) –Larry Dudek will continue as the RLM for all on-site fabrication jobs in WBS 1

13 NCSX Transitions Mike Williams has assumed an expanded role on NCSX –Senior management oversight of NCSX engineering activities –Supports NCSX Project in resource allocation, cost & schedule control NCSX now reports directly to the Director’s Office –Reflects Laboratory’s commitment to success of NCSX –Thanks to John Schmidt (Adv Projects) for birthing NCSX (and NSTX and KSTAR) and for his continued valuable guidance and advocacy for the project and the engineering staff

14 NCSX Mount Everest PoP Proposal Jun 1998 CD-0 May 2001 CD-1 Nov 2002 CD-2 Feb 2004 CD-3 Sep 2004 CD-3 Nov 2004 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 You are here CD-4 May 2008

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