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Bell Ringer Explain the difference between THERE, THEY’RE, and THEIR Objective To improve our review of literature by proofreading and editing There –

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Explain the difference between THERE, THEY’RE, and THEIR Objective To improve our review of literature by proofreading and editing There –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Explain the difference between THERE, THEY’RE, and THEIR Objective To improve our review of literature by proofreading and editing There – “over there” Their – It’s their cat They’re – They are talking together

2 Agenda Quiz on Tuesday Lesson – Common grammatical errors Partner work – Proofread paper for grammatical errors Lesson – Layout and details of Review of Literature

3 Study Guide – Quiz Tuesday 11/6 Quiz on Chapter 5.1 – 5.3 Study Guide – Layers of the Earth Order Solid, liquid, or slow moving solid – Types of Heat Transfer Radiation, Conduction, Convection Definition of density Relationship between convection, density, temperature, and movement – Who is Alfred Wegener? What was his theory (hypothesis)? What was his evidence or support for his theory?

4 Agenda Homework Lesson – Common grammatical errors Partner work – Proofread paper for grammatical errors Lesson – Layout and details of Review of Literature Finish Centers Center Discussion

5 Homework - DUE MONDAY 11/5 Read chapter 3.3 (Photosynthesis) pg. 86-90 AND answer questions on pg. 90 Write the questions and complete on a separate sheet of paper

6 Science Fair Review of Literature Rough Draft Edits

7 What is a Review of Literature? It is just like an informative report – factual, non-fiction It can talk about: – The history of similar experiments or inventions – Definitions of all important words and concepts that describe your experiment – Information about the materials you will be using – Other

8 Common Middle School Writing Mistakes

9 Sentence Fragments Example: Going to the grocery store for milk. Solution: I am going to the grocery store for milk.

10 Run-on Sentences Example: I enjoy going to the movies first I have to finish my homework. Solution: I enjoy going to the movies, but first I have to finish my homework.

11 Lack of Subject-Verb Agreement Example: She drive every day. Solution: She drives every day. Example: The team members eats lunch together. Solution: The team members eat lunch together.

12 Not Forming Compound Sentences Example: It rained today. The weather report called for blue skies. We didn’t go to the beach. Solution: It rained today, yet the weather report called for blue skies so we couldn’t go to the beach.

13 Sentence Variety Example: Sandra runs to school every morning. Sandra talks to her friends before class. They don’t get to class on time. Their teacher gets angry. Solution: Sandra runs to school every morning so she can talk to her friends before class begins. However, when they don’t get to class on time, their teacher gets angry.

14 Commonly Misspelled Words There/ Their/ They’re Where/were/we’re – Where – location – Were – They were shopping for candy – We’re – We are not allowed to go past that street. To/too/two – To – direction – Too – also – Two - number Its/it’s – Its – belonging to “The pumpkin lost its nose” – It’s – It is or It has

15 Review of Literature Details

16 Reminders Do not mention your experiment – What you are going to be doing Do not use first person “I, me, my, we, our” – Example: I have invented a new way. -> A new way has been invented. Don’t use information you do not understand. Write everything in your own words

17 Your Final Review of Literature DUE WEDNESDAY! Title page Report References

18 Final Copy 1 inch margins Double Space (2.0) the entire document Font should be Times Roman 12pt Title of project on top left corner Page # in upper right hand corner

19 More Guidelines 6 th Grade 2 or more pages long At least 3 sources used Rough Draft DUE: Thursday Nov 1 Final typed copy DUE: Wednesday Nov 7 7 th /8 th grade 3-4 pages long At least 5 sources used Rough Draft DUE: Thursday Nov 1 Final typed copy DUE: Wednesday Nov 7

20 Cover Page Title Name Grade, Period School Chicago, Illinois Date

21 Citations in your report For every fact or picture in your research paper you should follow it with a citation telling the reader where you found the information. A citation is just the name of the author and the date of the publication placed in parentheses like this: (Author, date). Use the author’s last name and year the information was written. – Example: Dr. Spangle (2012) explains that cacao beans were first taken over to Europe by Christopher Columbus. OR Cacao beans were first taken to Europe by Christopher Columbus (Spangle, 2012).

22 References Use APA style Alphabetical order by author’s last name Double space

23 Example References Author/editor. (Revision or copyright date). Title of page. Publication. Retrieved Date, from Protocol: Site/Path/File Example Goizueta, R. C. Annual report to share owners. Coca-Cola Newsletter. Retrieved October 13, 2005, from

24 Sample Review of Literature Topic: The Effect of Low, Medium, and High Current Drain Devices on Different Brands of AA Batteries. Outline: I.The Basic Parts of a Battery and How it Works II.Different Types and Brands of Batteries III.Previous Experiments on Batteries

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