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ƒLiterature Review – 13/16. ƒLiterature Review – 14/16.

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Presentation on theme: "ƒLiterature Review – 13/16. ƒLiterature Review – 14/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 ƒLiterature Review – 13/16

2 ƒLiterature Review – 14/16

3 ƒLiterature Review – 15/16

4 ƒLiterature Review – 16/16

5 聽完後 … 各位老師 ~ 您還願不願意進行 … 學習檔案教學 呢 ?!

6 1.Subjects : (1) 7 th graders of a junior high school in Taiwan (2) 72 participants from two classes (3) grouped on the basis of normal distribution „Methodology-1/14 BoysGirlsTotal Class A191736 Class B18 36 Total373572

7 „Methodology-2/14 GroupNMeanSE.t Class A Class B 36 51.5 52.17 2.7662 2.6737 -0.173 Table 3.1 The t-test Results on the IQ Mean Scores of Class A and Class B Note. Total score=100, p<.05 GroupNMeanSE.t Class A Class B 36 77.044 80.314 3.7366 3.6600 -0.625 Table 3.2 The t-test Results on the Mean Scores of the Three Monthly English Achievement Examinations of Class A and Class B in the First Semester Note. Total score=100, p<.05

8 1.Subjects : (4) Class A is classified as the Motivation-Based Activity Sheets Group(MBASG) and Class B is the Traditional Quizzes Group(TQG) by flipping a coin. (5) Each class is sub-grouped into high-achievement group and low-achievement group based on the mean scores of the three Monthly English Achievement Examinations in the first semester. „Methodology-3/14 Mean ScoreClass A(MBASG)Class B(TQG) Top 50%MBASG-highTQG-high Bottom 50%MBASG-lowTQG-low

9 „Methodology-4/14 GroupNMeanSE.t MBASG-High TQG-High 18 94.22 94.94 1.06 0.83 -0.536 GroupNMeanSE.t MBASG-Low TQG-Low 18 59.87 65.69 4.65 5.41 -0.815 Table 3.3 The t-test Results on the Mean Scores of the Three Monthly English Achievement Examinations of the MBASG-High and TQG-High in the First Semester Note. Total score=100, p<.05 Table 3.4 The t-test Results on The Mean Scores of the Three Monthly English Achievement Examinations of the MBASG-Low and TQG-Low in the First Semester Note. Total score=100, p<.05

10 2. Instruments : (1) The Questionnaire on the Students’ Learning Background (2) The Motivation-Based Activity Sheets (3) Three Monthly English Achievement Examinations (4) Teaching Materials (5) The Evaluation Sheets (6) The Motivation Questionnaire (7) The Feedback Questionnaire „Methodology-5/14

11 2. Instruments : (1) The Questionnaire on the Students’ Learning Background - understand individual student’s background and his or her attitude toward learning English „Methodology-6/14

12 2. Instruments : (2) The Motivation-Based Activity Sheets - a series of activities or games for both dynamic and statistic learning (word puzzles, problem solving, role- play, painting, and other games for grammar exercise or communication) - ten activity sheets for the ten lessons in the students’ textbooks „Methodology-7(1)/14

13 2. Instruments : (2) The Motivation-Based Activity Sheets Characteristics of the Motivation-Based Activity Sheets -For reviewing as well as assessing new vocabulary -Applying the cooperative learning (6 heterogeneous groups divided by 3 MEAEs) -Infusing Multiple Intelligences developed by Gardner (Gardner, 1993) VS. linguistic proficiency (test-oriented) -Emphasizing learners’ awareness (reflection/ feedback) „Methodology-7(2)/14

14 [͵kɪnɪsˋθɛtɪk]

15 2. Instruments : (3) Three Monthly English Achievement Examinations - to test the basic language abilities, all the test items are well designed and they included only materials students learned from their textbooks - Due to time limitation, speaking test wasn’t included. „Methodology-8/14

16 2. Instruments : (4) Teaching Materials - the mandatory Junior High School Textbook II, the new version (2001), published by National Institute of Compilation and Translation - homework assignments „Methodology-9/14

17 2. Instruments : (5) The Evaluation Sheets - self-evaluation sheet - peer evaluation sheet - teacher evaluation sheet (Parent evaluation sheet wasn’t included, but were invited to write on the self-evaluation sheet to encourage their children.) „Methodology-10/14

18 2. Instruments : (6) The Motivation Questionnaire - the Motivational Questionnaire(MQ) designed by Schmidt et al. (1996) - the Motivation Questionnaire adapted by Chang (Chang, 1997) - some items are derived from the Intrinsic Motivation Orientation Scale (Chang, 2001) - Still others are developed by the research herself „Methodology-11(1)/14

19 2. Instruments : (6) The Motivation Questionnaire - consist of three aspects / four-point Likert Scale „Methodology-11(2)/14 Question Items Number of Questions Learning Attitude1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10,12,14,17,18, 2512 Learning Need5, 8, 13, 15, 20, 226 Motivation Achievement 7, 4, 11, 16, 19, 21, 23, 247 Total25

20 2. Instruments : (7) The Feedback Questionnaire - after the Motivation-Based Activity Sheets for Lesson Ten - given to students in the MBASG by Class A’s homeroom teacher - composed of 15 questions graded on a four-point Likert Scale - four open-ended questions „Methodology-12/14

21 3. Procedure : (1) eighteen weeks (2) 4-5 teaching periods for a lesson (3) the Motivation Questionnaire is applied on the first day of the second semester (4) teaching methods: (5) students’ portfolios : occupy 50% of daily performance „Methodology-13/14 The 1~3 periodsThe 4~5 periods TQGInstructionQuiz MBASGInstruction Treatment: the Motivation-Based Activity Sheets

22 4. Data Collection and Analysis : (1) three aspects of data - the Motivation Questionnaire - Feedback Questionnaire for MBASG - all the subjects’ mean scores of three Monthly English Achievement Examinations (2) data analysis: - data computed by the SPSS 10.0 - apply t-test to check the existence of significant differences „Methodology-14/14

23 Thank You! L/O/G/O

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