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SBI4U Ms. Manning Welcome!. Essential Questions & Learning Goals Who’s Who? Tools for Success “Housekeeping” How will I reach my Destination? What is.

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Presentation on theme: "SBI4U Ms. Manning Welcome!. Essential Questions & Learning Goals Who’s Who? Tools for Success “Housekeeping” How will I reach my Destination? What is."— Presentation transcript:

1 SBI4U Ms. Manning Welcome!

2 Essential Questions & Learning Goals Who’s Who? Tools for Success “Housekeeping” How will I reach my Destination? What is expected of me? Building Classroom Community

3 Partner Introduction THE TASK: 1. Find a partner you do not know very well (yet ) 2. Decide who will be: The Interviewer (Partner “R”) The Interviewee (Partner “E”) The Interviewee (Partner “E”) 3. For 45 seconds:  The Interviewer will tell their partner everything they don’t know about them. The Interviewee is only to listen and not respond. For example: The Interviewer might say, “I don’t know your name”, “I don’t know what you did this summer”. Etc, etc. 4. For 2 minutes:  The Interviewee responds giving information that they would be willing to share with the whole community. The Interviewer is only to listen and make a mental note of their partner’s responses. 5. Switch roles and repeat steps 3 & 4. Wait for further instructions.

4 “Something I Remember…” “Stand Up If…”

5 “The Ideal Classroom” What does the ideal classroom in which to learn LOOK, SOUND, and FEEL like? Or “How would people ACT and INTERACT in an ideal classroom?  Groups of 4: Partner Introduction pairs join with another pair.  5 minutes: Make a chart an brainstorm ideas under each heading  Be prepared to present: - write a list, draw picture, short skit or rhyme)

6 Blob People… Hello fellow Blob! It’s great to meet you!

7 Course Syllabus

8 Learning Skills Beached on Shore At the Dock Shipping Off Sailing the Seas


10 Questions, Comments, Concerns?

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