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Network Equipment Assignment 3 LTEC 4550 Aaron Whitaker.

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1 Network Equipment Assignment 3 LTEC 4550 Aaron Whitaker

2 HUB Data for Data exits all ports Exists at layer 1 on the OSI model All connected devices share: Bandwidth Broadcast domain Collision domain Only one device may transmit at a time Hubs and a cheap method of adding ports, typically sub-$100 for up to 16 ports

3 SWITCH Data for Data exits port which connects to destination network/computer Typically exists at layer 2 on the OSI model Allocates traffic from one network segment to another Switch splits traffic and sends it to different locations Most switches maintain a MAC address table to help speed up future connections Prices on switches vary widely, from about $30 for a cheap 4 port switch though $8000 plus for Cisco Catalyst switches

4 ROUTER Data for Data forwarded to proper network Exists at layer 3 on the OSI model Forwards packets to different network segments Can only interface with one network protocol Again, prices vary widely depending on functionality. From $89 to $10000 plus

5 BRIDGE Data for Data exits port which connects to destination segment/computer Exists at layer 2 on the OSI model Connects traffic from multiple network segments together Will not forward traffic if destination is on the same segment Honestly, I couldn’t find accurate pricing as this equipment seems fairly rare

6 GATEWAY Data for From Data exits port which connects to destination network Exists at layers 4-7 on the OSI model A device or program which allows for communications between devices which use different protocols Can operate as part of a router, switch, or as a program on a computer On a typical IP network, computers send packets destined for a different network to its default gateway Protocol gateways are designed specifically to translate one protocol to another. Example: voice over IP gateway Most dedicated gateways I found were in the $5000-$10000 range

7 FIREWALL Undesirable traffic headed to network or server is stopped by firewall Typically installed inside a trusted, secure network Can be a dedicated device or part of a multi-function device Many operating systems include a basic firewall to prevent intrusion Firewalls pricing is quite variable depending on features. I found several basic dedicated firewalls for around $1000, but they go as high as $70000 when you add content filtering, anti-virus, packet filtering, etc.

8 WIRELESS AP Device with Wi-Fi card Sends packet to wired network resource. WAP takes the radio communication and translates it for use with on the wire. Connects devices on a Wi-Fi network to a wired network Commonly used in home wireless networks In large-scale deployments, many APs are used which allows users to wander freely with wireless devices. This allows for greater flexibility Many companies have developed appliance which allow admins to control many APs using centralized policies Prices vary with home based units at around $80, and light-weight corporate APs costing around $700


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