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RESTICTED DRUGS Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies--REMS

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1 RESTICTED DRUGS Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies--REMS
With each drug/biologic safety issue posing a serious risk, the question for FDA will be: to REM or not to REM? REMS---Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 in the FDA listed 156 REMS for prescription medicines (128) and biologics (28) intended to ensure the benefits of the medication outweigh its risk why REMS??--Public outcry over revelations of unforeseen risks from trusted medicines(rofecoxib, valdecoxib, and salmeterol

FDA can require a manufacturer to implement a REMS Components of REMS 1--Medication Guides--required for drugs and biologics when the FDA determines that: (a) certain information is necessary to prevent serious adverse effects, (b) patient decision-making should be informed by information about a known serious side effect of a product, or (c) patient adherence to directions for the use of a product is essential to its effectiveness.

3 RESTICTED DRUGS 2--Communication Plans--
Letters to healthcare providers; Disseminating information about the REMS to encourage implementation; and Disseminating information through professional societies about any serious risks of the drug and any protocol to assure safe use.

4 RESTICTED DRUGS 3--Elements to Assure Safe Use(ETASU)
may include one or more of the following Special training, certifications, or demonstration of experience for prescribers of the drug/biologic Certification of pharmacies, practitioners, or healthcare settings that dispense the drug/biologic Limitations as to the healthcare settings where the drug/biologic may be dispensed Evidence of special safe-use conditions--patients receive the drug/biologic only after specified authorization,proof of counseling, periodic blood tests monitor the number of prescriptions dispensed, adverse events,

5 Examples of Drugs with REMS
alosetron (Lotronex) clozapine (Clozaril, Fazaclo) isotretinoin (Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret) thalidomide (Thalomid) dofetilide (Tikosyn)

6 Alosetron Treats a type of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Serious adverse reactions of gastrointestinal tract some necessitate a blood transfusion or surgery some even lead to death Restricted by Prescription Program for Lotronex (PPL) requires physician enrollment & submission of Patient-Physician Agreement Form Prescriptions must be written by physician & must include PPL sticker on face of prescription

7 Clozapine Treats patients with schizophrenia
Can cause serious drop in white blood cells monitoring must be done regularly Pharmacies must register to dispense clozapine Specific day supply may be dispensed (1, 2, or 3 weeks depending on monitoring frequency) Pharmacy must receive documentation of blood work

8 Isotretinoin Treats severe acne & can cause serious birth defects
iPledge Program for isotretinion registration required by doctors patients Pharmacies must meet specific requirements / answer questions with iPledge Program each time drug dispensed quantity dispensed is limited prescription must be picked up within limited time

9 Thalidomide Treats multiple myeloma/erythema nodosum leprosum
Causes birth defects Thalidomide Education & Prescribing Safety (S.T.E.P.S.) Program prescribers, patients, pharmacies must register pharmacy must verify that the prescriber is registered with S.T.E.P.S. before dispensing medication

10 Dofetilide Treats irregular heart rhythms
Can cause serious complications Patients must be hospitalized to initiate therapy Tikosyn in Pharmacy System (T.I.P.S.) prescribers & pharmacists must register pharmacy must verify the prescriber’s registration

11 special rx programs methadone maintenance tx----MMT
methadone/dolpohine/methadose is used for opiod addiction. do don’t give over 1 day supply. must ingest at dr office or drug tx center. also for chronic pain or cancer pain. suboxone and subutex sch2 sublingual must have pt do paperwork. you may get rx for this but requires special training for dr to rx. will have X with DEA number.

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