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Highly Confidential 2 nd AUGUST 2012 ACTING PROVINCIAL MANAGER: MRS IRENE MANTLHASI Presentation of North West Status Report to the Portfolio Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Highly Confidential 2 nd AUGUST 2012 ACTING PROVINCIAL MANAGER: MRS IRENE MANTLHASI Presentation of North West Status Report to the Portfolio Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highly Confidential 2 nd AUGUST 2012 ACTING PROVINCIAL MANAGER: MRS IRENE MANTLHASI Presentation of North West Status Report to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs By

2 Table of Contents CONTENTSLIDE NO. Introduction Foot Print Expansion Provincial Capacity Provincial Management & demarcation online Health facilities Mobile offices 3 4 5-6 7-12 13-15 16-18  Border line survey  Summary of budget  Revenue Management  Asset Management  Fleet Management  Birth Registration  Schools Project  Unclaimed ID documents 19-22 23-25 26-28 29 30 31 32 33

3 Table of Contents CONTENT SLIDE NO.  Duplicate cases  Late Registration of Birth  Queries  Stakeholder Management  Permits  Deportation  List of priority offices 35 36 37 38-40 41-42 43 44-45  Labour Relations  Staff engagement  Staff Assessment  Achievement  Challenges 46 47 48 49

4 INTRODUCTION  The North West Province is home to about 3.9 million people. Also known as the “Platinum Province’’. It is centrally located on the subcontinent with direct road and rail links to all Southern African countries. Mining, Agriculture and Tourism are of extreme importance to the economy of the Province.


6 STAFF PROFILE LEVEL FEMALEDISABILITYMALEDISABILITYTOTAL 3 36 0 31 0 67 5 2 0 3 0 5 6 231 1 121 5 358 7 29 0 24 0 53 8 41 0 34 0 75 9 4 0 1 0 5 10 9 0 7 0 16 11 1 0 00 1 12 0 0 2 0 2 13 1 0 2 0 3 14 0 0 0 0 0 Total 35412255585

7 Total Establishment Filled as at 1 April 2012 Vacant Funded 117458567 Capacity Rate50%6% PROVINCIAL CAPACITY – FILLED AND UNFILLED POSTS The following posts have been advertised: e.g. Provincial Manager: Director: Finance and Support, DD: Provincial co-ordination, DD: Human Resources, 3X ASD: Co-ordination and support 3X Immigration officers level 8 4X Civic services Supervisors Senior State Accountant, Senior Personnel Practitioner, 3X Chief Administration Clerk, 1 Secretary 17X Immigration officers, 3 Administration Clerks,1driver 5X Cleaners and 1 grounds men

8 PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT AND DERMACATION – NEW OPERATING MODEL Acting Provincial Manager Mrs. Irene Mantlhasi Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District District Manager: Operations Mrs. Irene Mantlhasi (currently acting as PM) Bojanala District District Manager: Operations Mr. M. C. Rambuda Ngaka Modiri District District Manager: Operations Mr. J.S. Monedi (currently acting at HO) Dr. SR Mompati District District Manager: Operations Vacant – (Post not funded) Acting Director: Finance & Support Mr Stephen Tilley Office & Port Managers 1 Large Office 2 Medium offices 1 Small offices 0 POE Office & Port Managers 1 Large 3 Medium offices 8 Small offices 1 POE Office & Port Managers 1 Large office 4 Medium offices 3 Small offices 6 POE Office & Port Managers 0 Large office 3 Medium offices 1 Small office 2 POE

9 9 Ngaka Modiri Molema District Local MunicipalityDHA Presence Mahikeng2 Ramotshere Moiloa1 Ditsobotla2 Tswaing1 + 2 = 3 Ratlou1 In terms of progress, the Province acquired space at Khunwana and Sanieshof in Tswaing Local Municipality. Each of these Small Offices has a staff compliment of three officers servicing the public daily. Similar services was introduced daily at Madibogo Small Office in Ratlou Local Municipality.

10 10 DR Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Local Municipality DHA Presence Naledi (Vryburg)1 Kagisano/Molopo1 + 1 = 2 Taung1 Lekwa -Teemane0 Mamusa0 This District Municipality is the most economically depressed in the Province and lacks DHA presence in two local municipalities. In all municipalities, there is a need to increase our Foot Print. The District remains a developmental node in the Province

11 11 Bojanala District Local MunicipalityDHA Presence Rustenburg1 + 1 = 2 Moses Kotane2 + 2 = 4 Madibeng1 + 3 = 4 Moretele1 Kgetleng river1 The recent demarcation of local government election resulted in a gap of service delivery in Moretele Local Municipality. The area is presently serviced by Temba D/O which is in Gauteng Province. Space has been secured at Moretele Office Park in Makapanstad. The Office will be operating before the end of the third quarter. To address the problem of service accessibility in the Kgetleng Revier Local Municipality, the department has opened a small District office in Swartruggens and 3 dedicated staff was appointed.

12 12 Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Local MunicipalityDHA Presence Matlosana1 Tlokwe1 Ventersdorp1 Maquassie Hills1 After been offered a three year free Lease Agreement by the Ventersdorp Local Municipality, we are now operating daily with three officials. Wolmaransstad Office moved to permanent structure and the Lease Agreement is valid until 2014.

13 13 North West Port of Entries  Derdepoort Port of Entry  Kopfontein Port of Entry (Commercial)  Pilanesburg Airport  Swartkopfontein Port of Entry  Skilpadhek Port of Entry (Commercial)  Ramatlabama Port of Entry (Commercial)  Mokgobistat Port of Entry  Mokopong Port of Entry  Bray Port of Entry To facilitate the smooth entry and departure of travelers, the Province has eight Land Ports and one Airport. The facility at Skilpadshek commercial Port has been improved. Currently the main building at this port is complete. However, we are still awaiting for official handover by DPW.

14 14 Online Health Facilities (Registration of birth 0-30 days) Klerksdorp Provincial Hospital Tshepanang provincial Hospital Ventersdorp Community Hospital Potchefstroom Community Hospital Leeudoringstad Community Health Centre Nic Bodentstein Hospital Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital Moses Kotane Community Hospital Swartruggens Community Hospital Pella Clinic Mafikeng Provincial Hospital Victoria Private Hospital Generaal De La Rey Community Hospital Gelukspan Community Hospital Itsoseng Community Health Centre Atamelang Community Health Centre Vryburg Community Health Centre Huhudi Community Health Centre Christiana Community Health Centre Stella Community Hospital Bloemhof Community Hospital Ganyesa Community Health Centre 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 During the period under review, the Province managed to register 9 048 births thus contributing positively to the National Population Register.

15 15 Manually Serviced Health Facilities Registering births 0 – 30 days Potchefstroom Medi Clinic Anncron Hospital Brits Medi Clinic Bapong Community Health Centre Letlhabile Community Health Centre La Femme Private Hospital Fencrest Hospital Wilmedpark Hospital 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 While awaiting connectivity to the rest of Health Facilities, we continue to collect applications manually and process them at the nearest offices.

16 Mothers serviced at the online health facilities and issued with Birth Certificates on the spot.

17 17 MOBILE OFFICES To enhance service delivery, we deploy mobile offices to expand services to far flung areas.

18 18 th July 2012 Nelson Mandela Birthday Celebrations Dinokana May 2012 Makapanstad Presidential Imbizo Photo’s telling the story for the North West outreaches

19 Registration of Births, Registration of Late Registration of Births and Applications of Identity Documents Without our Mobile offices and dedicated DHA officials this family would not have received services Client officially receiving enabling documents May 2012 Vostershoop

20 20 Borderline Surveying Businesses along RSA/Botswana by IMS: Inspectorate Ramatlabama POE Project started on the 16 th April 2012 to the 20 th April 2012 Derdepoort POE Project running from 14 th May 2012 to the 18 th May 2012. Bray POE Project started on the 22 nd March 2012 to the 23 rd March 2012 Kopfontein POE Project started on the 12 th March 2012 to the 16 th March 2012 The project started on the 13 th March 2012 and ended on the 23 rd May 2012. A total of 472 Households were inspected, of this 92 illegal foreigners detained and deported, 583 documents examined and 16 J534 issued to those found contravening Immigration Act.

21 Expired food products confiscated and destroyed by Health Inspectors who were part of the project.

22 Foreign Nationals living in the shops, food product are kept without refrigeration, storage of fresh produce not adhering to the Health Standards.

23 When the Officers reach a specific area the word will spread very quickly and illegal foreign national will hide. Shops will be closed and foreigners will leave the area. Nationals will produce fraudulent documents to immigrations

24 SUMMARY OF BUDGET BUDGET ALLOCATED R'000 EXPENDITURE AS AT 30 JUNE 2012 R'000 FUNDS AVAILABLE R'000 % BUDGET SPEND PAYMENTS 140,133 29,447 110,686 21.0% COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES 124, 964 27,781 97,183 22.2% delay in filing vacant post GOOD AND SERVICES 15,380 1,666 13,503 11.0% 1 st quarter decentralization of procurement system to province PAYMENT FOR CAPITAL ASSETS 180 – – MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 180 – – SOFTWARE AND INTANGIBLE ASSETS – – – – TRANSFERS AND SUBSIDIES 79 40 39 50.6% PROVINCIAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 48 – – DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES & ACCOUNTS 31 – – HOUSEHOLDS (HH) – 40 (40) –

25 BUDGET MUNICIPALITY BUDGET (G&S)ExpenditureCommitment PROVINCIAL MANAGER'S OFFICE:NW(GOODS AND SERVICES 2, 725, 000 108, 781810, 781 DIRECTOR FINANCE & SUPPORT 1, 019, 00049, 226287, 957 DMO – DR KK KAUNDA 457, 00058, 16120, 332 LO KLERKSDORP989, 00022, 50781, 593 MO POTCHEFSTROOM493, 00019, 42014, 880 MO WOLMARANSTAD352, 00022, 17435, 343 DMO – BOJANALA:397, 00067, 3589, 830 LO RUSTENBURG1,084, 000118, 57393, 140 MO BRITS437, 00099, 72330, 442 MO MADIKWE/LEDIG747, 00082, 1726, 963 MO MANKWE398, 00019, 51130, 521 DMO- NGAKA MODIRI MOLEMA543, 00000 LO MMABATHO841, 00090, 65744, 771 MO ATAMELANG411, 00012, 65531, 789 MO MAHIKENG423, 00054, 6557, 778

26 BUDGET MUNICIPALITY BUDGET (G&S)ExpenditureCommitment MO ITSOSENG305, 00011, 56122, 179 MO LICHTENBURG377, 0004, 3719, 940 MO ZEERUST387, 00041, 13318, 574 DMO- NGAKA MODIRI MOLEMA543, 00000 PC BRAY147, 00000 PC DERDEPOORT143, 000024, 315 PC KOPFONTEIN227, 0003, 51227, 137 PC MAKOGOBISTAD185, 0007, 3902, 812 PC MAKOPONG199, 00020, 6480 PC RAMATLABAMA251, 00020, 64811, 899 PC SKILPADSHEK209, 0006, 9156, 319 PC SWARTKOPFONTEIN178, 00016, 03310, 311 MMABATHO AIRPORT/ PILANESBERG167, 0003, 77021, 811 DMO- DR RUTH S MOMPATI000 VRYBURG459, 00040, 15236, 270 MO TAUNG407, 00048, 62719, 989 MO GANYESA470, 00035, 80512, 426

27 REVENUE COLLECTED MUNICIPALITYAPRILMAYJUNE NORTH WEST 12- 1,418,019.56- 2,679,191.31- 2,836,210.31 DISTR MUN: BOJANALA 12- 752,175.00- 1,167,325.00- 1,164,060.00 BP DERDEPOORT 12- 800.00 LO RUSTENBURG 12- 485,890.00- 676,085.00- 865,430.00 MO BRITS 12- 180,235.00- 350,530.00- 205,380.00 MO MADIKWE 12- 18,770.00- 44,870.00- 14,910.00 MO MANKWE 12- 66,480.00- 95,040.00- 77,540.00

28 REVENUE COLLECTED MUNICIPALITYAPRILMAYJUNE DISTR MUN: DR KENNETH KAUNDA 12- 253,126.00- 462,997.00- 764,156.00 LO KLERKSDORP 12- 231,558.00- 370,089.00- 285,838.00 MO POTCHEFSTROOM 12- 863.00- 74,323.00- 420,888.00 MO WOLMARANSTAD 12- 20,705.00- 18,585.00- 57,430.00 DISTR MUN: DR RUTH MOMPATI 12 - 113,985.00- 171,705.00- 153,350.00 BP BRAY 12 -- 880.00- 2,160.00 MO GANYESA 12- 12,445.00- 24,590.00- 42,680.00 MO TAUNG 12- 36,940.00- 36,130.00- 37,050.00 MO VRYBURG 12- 64,600.00- 110,105.00- 71,460.00

29 REVENUE COLLECTED MUNICIPALITYAPRILMAYJUNE DISTR MUN: NM MOLEMA 12- 295,549.31- 876,149.31- 753,659.31 BP KOPFONTEIN 12- 800.00- 154,800.00- 108,300.00 BP MOKGOBISTAD 12 -- 1,000.00 - BP RAMATLABAMA 12- 21,600.00- 29,500.00- 25,100.00 BP SKILPADSHEK 12- 24.31- 50,024.31- 23,524.31 BP SWARTKOPFONTEIN 12 -- 18,500.00- 12,000.00 LO MMABATHO 12- 182,095.00- 150,860.00- 206,730.00 MO ATAMELANG 12 - -- 85,870.00 MO ITSOSENG 12- 7,350.00- 16,760.00- 12,525.00 MO LICHTENBURG 12 -- 162,245.00- 83,880.00 MO MAFIKENG 12 -- 176,390.00- 75,170.00 MO ZEERUST 12- 83,680.00- 116,070.00- 120,560.00 PROVINCIAL MAN N/WEST 12- 3,184.25- 1,015.00- 985.00 PROVINCIAL MAN N/WEST 12- 3,184.25- 1,015.00- 985.00


31 KEY AREANUMBERPERCENTATAGE Vehicles Number of vehicles in the Province106100% New vehicles received76% Number of Functional vehicles 9286% Number of vehicles involved in accidents76% Mobile offices Number of mobile offices11100% Number of dysfunctional mobile981% Number of Functional mobiles219% FLEET MANAGEMENT

32 Birth Registration: 0 – 30 Days ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 1 TARGETACTUAL % ACHIEVED 30 6617 2349 048125%

33 Schools Visited and Applications Collected 1 st Quarter 2012. Annual Target = 691, Quarterly Target = 152 (22%). Actual performance 253 schools (Achieved: 15% more)


35 PASSPORT TYPETOTAL Tourist Passports (NORMAL)4 780 Child Passports939 Official Passports55 Maxi Passports84 Temporary Passports2 964 Emergency Travel Certificates525 TOTAL9 347 PASSPORT APPLICATIONS - STATISTICS

36 DUPLICATES CASES - STATISTICS ITEMSNUMBER OF APPLICATIONS Duplicates cases on hand as at 1 st April 201284 Number of new duplicate cases received26 Cases referred to HO for issuance of Identity document31 Number of cases not finalized99

37 LATE REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS (LRB) MOP-UP OPERATIONS April to June 2012 ITEMSAprilMayJuneTOTAL Opening balance of LRB cases as at 1 st April 2012 1579152613374442 Number of LRB applications received 3844866071477 Number of applications approved 4156086041627 Number of applications rejected 1359678 Number of applications referred to IMS for investigations 981128 TOTAL NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS ON HAND 1526133713234186 Large Offices are conducting adjudication on the spot. Cases older than the prescribed period are closed. Cases from the Mobile Offices are assigned additional screening teams.

38 ITEMSNUMBER OF APPLICATIONS Number of queries not finalized (carry over from previous quarter) 283 Number of new queries received 50 Number of finalized queries 20 Number of queries not finalized 313 NB: Most of this queries are for example: Foreigners who illegally obtained RSA documents fraudulently False registration Amendment through Late Registration of Birth QUERIES - STATISTICS

39 STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT AND OUTREACHES With the assistance of our stakeholder forums, the Province conducted one outreach programme in Makapanstad S tatistics: 1.Applications collected = 664 2.Revenue collected = R16 140.00 3.Illegal Immigrants arrested = 9 4.LRB cases referred to IMS = 2 5.Two RSA Citizens issued with J534 = R3 000.00 Offices in the Province conduct their own outreach campaigns in collaboration with their Local Stakeholder Forums, Cluster departments and Non Governmental Organizations.

40 Province DistrictLocal Launched and to be Districts MaintainedTo revived North West To be launched Ngaka Modiri MolemaMaintained LO Mmabatho Maintained MO Atamelang Maintained MO Itsoseng Maintained MO Lichtenburg Maintained M O Zeerust Maintained Bojanala To be revived LO Rustenburg Maintained MO Brits Maintained MO Moretele Maintained MO Madikwe Maintained MO Mankwe Maintained Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati To be revived LO Vryburg Maintained MO Taung Maintained MO Ganyesa Maintained Dr. Kenneth KaundaMaintained LO Klerksdorp Maintained MO Potchefstroom Maintained MO Wolmaransstad Maintained STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT

41 NUMBER OF EVENTS/CAMPAIGNS PARTICIPATING STAKEHOLDERS DURATIONAREA OF COVERAGE 4 Event DHA Stakeholder Forums NW Provincial Government Dep. Of education Dept. of health Dept. of Social Development Dept. of Agriculture State Security Agency BCOCC SASSA SAPS Local Municipality Community Development Workers NW Youth Commission FAMSA 5 days 1 day 16 days 1.Moretele, Ngobi village Presidential visit covering surrounding villages. 2.Moretele, Makapanstad – major Outreach programme covering 36 villages. 3.Taung – Youth Month activity 4.Borderline Business Survey – from Derdepoort to Makopong STAKEHOLDER SUPPORT

42 CONTENTSTATISTICS Applications received for the quarter93 Applications sent to Head Office93 PR Approved during the quarter9 PR Refused during the quarter0 PERMANENT RESIDENCE PERMITS


44 DEPORTATIONS PROVINCE Carry over of deportees from previous month detained for Deportation Directly Deported Deported via DDHF (Lindela) Carry over of deportees to new month No released from detention pending deportation NW -8481183700 TOTAL-8481183700 CENTRALISED COLLECTION POINTS

45 LIST OF PRIORITY OFFICES Type of DHA offices OFFICE TYPEArea Number required (offices) DHA requirements Local Office Large000 Local Office MediumMakapanstad 1 155 m ² Local Office Small0 00 Total1

46 LEASES MUNICIPALITY BUILDING/LAND DESCRIPTION RENTAL PER MONTHLEASE STARTLEASE END MONTH TO MONTH Bojanala LO Rustenburg166,639.5001/11/201131/10/2012 Month to Month Ditsobotla MO Itsoseng2000.0001/11/201131/11/2013 Greater TaungMO TaungFree lease KagisanoMO Ganyesa144,267.0001/05/201130/04/2012 Month to Month Kgetleng riverSO Swartrruggens20,546.7901/05/201030/04/2012 Month to Month MadibengMO Brits65,020.901/11/201031/10/2013 Mafikeng Provincial Provincial office52,530.7301/10/201131/12/2013 Matlosana LO Klerksdorp173,908.0901/10/201130/09/2013 Maquassi Hills MO Wolmarranstad85,215.0001/08/201131/07/2013 Mmabatho LO Mmabatho316,827.0001/03/201129/02/2012 Month to Month Naledi MO Vryburg23,877.0801/03/201129/02/2012 Month to Month

47 LABOUR RELATION CASES KEY AREA NUMBER OF CASES OUTCOMES Fraud & Corruption2Unpaid suspension = 2 Improper Conduct8Dismissal = 1 Unpaid suspension = 3 Referred for Counselling = 1 Final Written warning = 3 SANCTIONS Dismissals1The officer appealed Suspension5Unpaid suspension Warnings3Final written warning Other1 Referred for counselling

48 STAFF DEVELOPMENT Training conductedEquityRace Senior Management Development Programme1 MaleBlack Middle Management Development Programme 1 Male 1 Female Blacks New Development Management Programme5 Females 1 Male Black Advance Immigration Training1 FemaleBlack DHA Ambassador Training8 Female 3 Male 1 Male Blacks Coloured BAS/LOGIS/Transport Training2 Females 5 Males Blacks Total29

49 BUSINESS PLAN AND PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT PERFORMANCE AGREEMENTS PERFORMANCE ASSESMENTSBUSINESS PLAN 585/585 Agreements for the financial year 2012/13 have been submitted to Human Resource and are captured. Moderation Committee concluded assessments for 2011/2012 on the 11 th July 2012. The Provincial Business Plan has been compiled, signed off and submitted.


51 STAFF ENGAGEMENTS The Province interact with staff through the following meetings:  Provincial Broad Management meetings (PBM) – Monthly  District Management Meeting with DMO and Office managers – Quarterly  Office Personnel Meetings - Monthly  Sectional meetings – Weekly  IMS meetings – Daily

52 Achievements Decentralization of Logis, Procurement, Sundry payments petty cash, Government vehicles and accommodation. Created a database for all Learners with or without enabling documents from Grade 10 -12. Conducted a survey along the border line with a view to determine status of foreign run businesses. Launched Border Stakeholder Forum. Successfully conducted major outreach programme in Moretele Local Municipality and managed to secure future office space at Office Park, Makapanstad. Secured space in Ventersdorp at free Lease for three years by Ventersdorp Local Municipality. Sourced a space at a rate of R2000.00 per month in Itsoseng Local office which was operating from modular units.

53 Challenges Most offices in the Province have no holding cells for illegal foreigners. Klerksdorp is the only one with holding cells but they are not properly equipped. There is severe shortage of branded IMS vehicles, especially for Inspectorate for detection, arrest and deportation. Absence of inspectorate at Ports of entry. Office accommodation for newly identified Small Offices in rural areas Inadequate bandwidth and poor network at health facilities.


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