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DETECTOR COOLING PROJECT WP2 CO2 activities status report Jan Godlewski PH-DT-PO Łukasz Zwaliński PH-DT-PO 1 J.Godlewski,

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Presentation on theme: "DETECTOR COOLING PROJECT WP2 CO2 activities status report Jan Godlewski PH-DT-PO Łukasz Zwaliński PH-DT-PO 1 J.Godlewski,"— Presentation transcript:

1 DETECTOR COOLING PROJECT WP2 CO2 activities status report Jan Godlewski PH-DT-PO Łukasz Zwaliński PH-DT-PO 1 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010

2 Context  Actual status  Chiller installed  Test stand operational up to -27 C (limitation by ethylene glycol viscosity)  New liquid ordered  Control system update  Tests done  Missing parts  Tests program  Modular unit  ATLAS SR1 CO2 cooling unit 2 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010 A lot of information could be found in presentations from yesterday‘s CMS CO2 meeting

3 CO2 WP2 cooling team Core: Jihao Wu; Joao Marques Pinho Noite; Lukasz Zwalinski; Torsten Koettig Bart Verlaat – since September Kirill Egorov – IBL stave tests Petra Janickova – CO2 small scale tests Other active members: Jan Godlewski; Hans Postema; Danilo Giugni; Michele Battistin; Johan Bremer; Friedrich Haug; Paolo Petagna; Paola Tropea; Claudio Bortolin; Rosario Turrisi; Left the team: Alexandre Moraux; Jacek Michal Swierblewski; Jani Miika Turunen DCP 14 October 2010 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński 3

4 Status as in May 2010  Test stand at cryolab  Pressure test (120 bar) done  Chiller connected and tested  Sensors installed and connected to control rack  DAQ checked and debugged  Possibility of remote log-in to follow test stand function  ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector interested in CO2 activities  Claudio Bortolin and Rosario Turrisi have joined CO2 group 4 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010

5 Summary from the last presentation  CO2 test stand  Test stand ready for “warm” operation  We are waiting for accumulator from NIKHEF  First thing to test will be ATLAS Pixel stave (first half of June) 5 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010

6 Measurements performed on CO2 Cryolab test stand (IBL) IBL 2 mm ID titanium stave has been measured both in warm and cold conditions 6 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010

7 Measurements performed on CO2 Cryolab test stand– Pipe from small scale test stand By using high capacity test stand mass flow could be 5 x bigger than in small scale set-up 7 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010

8 CMS 5.5 m length test section – warm tests DCP 14 October 2010 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński 8

9 DCP 14 October 2010 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński 9 5.5 m CMS tube, 1.424 mm diameter, varied heat input and mass flow CMS 5.5 m length test section

10 CRYOLAB - CO2 progress and issues on the control system Updates/upgrades of the CO2 control system: 1.Possibility of the layer switching on PVSS plant panel √ 2.LAUDA chiller signals have been integrated in the system √ 3.PLC firmware updated => communication problem between PLC and PVSS is solved √ 4.Plant panel is up to date to the hardware modifications √ 5.~ 20 new signals added √ 6.New switch method between the PVSS panels has been introduced √ 7.Logic modifications done on-line according to the needs √ 8.CO2 online p-H diagram have been implemented √ 10 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010

11 CRYOLAB - CO2 progress and issues on the control system 2 6 4 1 11 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010

12 CRYOLAB - CO2 online p-H diagram prototype It is a PVSS control extension created in a cooperation with EN-ICE to represent online pressure enthalpy diagram in use of the REFPROP NIST software. We connect PVSS with external REFPROP library to receive enthalpy value according to measured temperature and pressure. We plot saturation line, 11 isotherms, cycle (measuring points) and isotherms passing through the cycle points. This can be used for any cooling fluid which is available in the REFPROP!!! 12 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010

13 CRYOLAB - Alarms and electrical diagnostic panels 13 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010

14 Minutes from the last meeting DCP 14 October 2010 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński 14 1) Plant operation status: Torsten has informed that they are measuring small system with a plant limit equal to -27C. Jihao – measuring cryo-lab test section we have found the deviations from the theoretical model, we have checked the pressure drop, however mass flow measurement from the coriolis flow meter are ok. We are comparing with Chen model. 2) General issues: Accumulator and chiller: If the Nikhef accumulator will not arrive very soon we have to get known how to take out glycol form Lauda chiller what is the best way to clean it up and how to refill afterwards with silicon DW10. Before doing this we have to make the accumulator leak tight! We should consider installing proper flange with feed threw or machine at CERN the proper cover. (We should verify if the silicon which we have ordered is not absorbing water? If yes, it is necessary to have a thigh plug for Lauda bath. We should ask Anti about his experience with DW10 brain) Anti has ordered for us 50 liters but we need 52.5 so we should make accumulator volume smaller. How long can we keep Lauda chiller from Atlas? ; Jan expects that we won’t have to give it back before the end of the year. Valve extensions: Nikhef extensions have been sent to us, Nikhef technician will arrive to install it and do proper insulation. It will be necessary to modify also the valve supports so he will need some help form workshop. The arriving date is not yet fixed. Hans- The Nikhef accumulator has to be dismounted and cut in to the pieces so we should probably not expect of the delivery before February 2011. New document:Torsten has presented first draft version of the requirements for the clients - open to the discussion, file will be send around. 3) Control system: Refprop 8.0 licenses - we have got 2 two from Goran Perinic CRG (thanks to Johan for suggestion), he will discuss necessary license type for CERN if used for PVSS p_H diagram control extension is completed for Windows platform. Dummy load - 3 phase heater (custom made by Dimeca) now is working only with 2 coils with total power of 2.66 kW instead of 3 with total power 4kW. One resistive element has a current leak. (Short cut to the ground) It was necessary to disconnect it. During last week the dummy load has been disassembled and assembled again with only two coils connected. Please see pictures attached on workspace link. Bart proposed to use instead of dummy load made of glycol bath with a heater inside a direct CO2 heater, resistive element placed directly inside the pipe. It has been agreed that we should buy such direct heater. (same one as used in LHCb Velo). We shouldn’t buy spare heater for current dummy load even if we would install it in opposite geometry (heater on top of the dummy load). Jan has suggested preparing everything in such way that we can plug it in when the current heater become unavailable. Conclusion!!! Never run current dummy load without powering the heater. Moisture is getting in. Thermal switch should be set to 80 C and the hole under the TS cup should be closed to avoid moisture to get in ti the “heater electrical connection box”.

15 Draft of the requirements to the clients - T.Koettig DCP 14 October 2010 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński 15 Requirements to the client of the Large Scale CO 2 plant in Bldg. 158 To connect a client test system (later on called the “experiment”) the CO 2 Large Scale Plant delivers CO 2 in sub-cooled liquid conditions with: - Mass flow rate of 0.5 g/s up to 15 g/s, - Saturation temperature T sat between -27°C and 25 °C, - Saturation pressures corresponding to T sat mentioned before, - Vapor qualities can be varied by the experiment from 0.05 to 1. Demands on the client/experiment: - Consideration of the building dimensions, mainly the maximum height, - Connection to the system via the Swagelok connectors imperial size d=6.2 mm or VCR ½” connections (flexible connection have to be provided by the client), - The experiment must be tested to a max. pressure of 120 bar, because the safety valves in the system are adjusted to 96 bar. (safety factor of 1.25) - In case of lower withstand pressure => contact the CO 2 collaboration to check possible modifications 2 month in advance, - The experiment should be insulated, preferred: insulation vacuum with p<1*10 -3 mbar, - In case of vacuum insulation the vessel must have a relief valve at p=100 mbar over pressure, - Any other vessel etc. enclosing CO 2 installation must have a safety relief valve at p=100 mbar, - The experiment should be leak tested to the environment with a leak rate <10 -4 mbar*l/s, - The experiment should be equipped with: a J-T valve or capillary at the entrance Δp=5 bar to 50bar, a temperature sensor and a pressure sensor at the entrance, remote control of the heat input at the test section => PLC controled via plant a compensation heater after the test section that keeps the overall heat input constant. - The experiment must be purged 3 times by applying vacuum / pressure p>6 bar of CO 2 when connected to the Large Scale Plant, after that the experiment can be connected hydraulically, - Specifications for the cool down procedure have to be discussed, - The client has to bring its own data acquisition and analyzing tools, - Official request to the CO 2 collaboration describing the experimental needs.

16 Program  ATLAS IBL staves measurements  Several new staves should arrive in the next couple of months  CMS full scale piping tests  Start up not before February 2011  Modular CO2 cooling unit for laboratory use 1 kW@-40 C  Definition of main parameters  Integration into assembly – designer from Krakow coming beginning of November until the end of the year  Bart, Lukasz, Jerome involved into the design  Similarity with XFEL system design at NIKHEF  The portable 100W “Mini” system  As simple as possible DCP 14 October 2010 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński 16

17 Missing parts and things to do  Missing parts  Accumulator from NIKHEF  Formal problems with certificate  Should arrive in November  Valves extensions for cold running  Still to do  Installing and connecting accumulator  Installing valves extension  Insulation of new components  Change of chiller liquid to extend measurements range 17 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński DCP 14 October 2010

18 CO2 cooling stand at SR1  In design of SR1 set-up all the experience gained during last year on Cryolab test stand will be used  Design – VELO like principle  P&I completed  Integration drawings done  Control system designed  Construction  Cooling unit will be built by EN/CV-DC  Collaboration with PH-DT  Information on work space share point (access needed) J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński 18 DCP 14 October 2010

19 Summary  CRYOLAB CO2 test stand operational  Problems with accumulator  Test program established  Requirements for “clients” under definition  Work on “modular” unit and ATLAS SR1 is advancing DCP 14 October 2010 J.Godlewski, Ł.Zwaliński 19

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