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Ch 7.8 Cardiovascular System ence-channel/29732-exploring-time- heart-beat-video.htm.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 7.8 Cardiovascular System ence-channel/29732-exploring-time- heart-beat-video.htm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 7.8 Cardiovascular System ence-channel/29732-exploring-time- heart-beat-video.htm

2 Heart Basics Weight- approximately 11 oz Beats- 100,000 beats /day (2.5 billion/avg. lifetime) Pumps 2,000 gallons of blood /day

3 Anatomy Location- surrounded by lungs, vertebral column and sternum – 2/3 to left of midline

4 External View

5 angiogram healthy heart

6 Enlarged heart due to alcoholism and high blood pressure

7 Cross section of heart

8 io202/heart/inthrt.htm

9 Layers of the heart Endocardium-smooth layer of cells that lines the interior of the heart Myocardium-muscular layer

10 Pericardium-sac that covers the outside of the heart Pericardial fluid-prevents friction and damage to the heart

11 Coronary arteries coronary veins


13 valves

14 Circulation

15 Blood Pressure Pulse Blood Pressure

16 Systolic pressure = ventricular contraction Diastolic pressure = ventricular relaxation Normal = 120 mmHg 80 mmHg Hypertension= persistently elevated arterial pressure

17 Arrhythmias-abnormal heart rhythm – Early contraction of the atria – Ventricle fibrillation-random contractions, can cause death – Defibrillator-shocks the heart so that is can regain its normal rhythm – Pacemaker-monitors the hearts rhythm and uses electrical impulses to the heart when necessary

18 Heartbeat-controlled by electrical impulses or the conduction system /hhw/hhw_electrical.html /hhw/hhw_electrical.html

19 P wave- atrial depolarization; prior to contraction QRS Complex- ventricular depolarization; masks atrial repolarization T wave- ventricular repolarization PROBLEMS: High P wave=enlarged atrium High Q wave= heart attack Flat T wave= not enough oxygen getting to heart

20 Heart sounds-lubb ( tri/bi cuspids close) dubb-(semilunars close)

21 Blood vessels 62,000 miles of vessels that make up a closed circuit.

22 Arteries Carry blood away from the heart High in oxygen except the pulmonary artery Made of muscular and elastic tissue Aorta Coronary artery Arterioles Inner layer-smooth to prevent clots Middle layer-muscle Outer-connects to surrounding tissue

23 Capillaries Connect arteries to veins One cell thick

24 Veins Return blood to heart Low in oxygen except the pulmonary vein Thin walls, less elastic compared to arteries Have valves Venules Venae Cavae – Superior vena cava – Inferior vena cava

25 DAqM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=63&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dvaricose%2Bveins%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=varicos e+veins&docid=5uNE1-D2a6YoZM&sa=X&ei=tsJsTsvMNen-sQKVqr2tBA&ved=0CF0Q9QEwAw&dur=520 mgrefurl= veins/&h=321&w=450&sz=42&tbnid=_kCC2mofUr9FOM:&tbnh=77&tbnw=108&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dvaricose%2Bveins %26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=varicose+veins&docid=xLqyZNHksiAUGM&sa=X&ei=tsJsTsvMNen- sQKVqr2tBA&ved=0CGAQ9QEwBA&dur=916

26 Blood Formed elements or Blood Corpuscles Plasma – Serum – Fibrogenin and Prothrombin

27 Fibrinogen and prothrombin at work

28 Erythrocytes Life span of 120 days Hemoglobin ry.htm

29 Leukocytes Neutrophils – phagocytosis Basophils – Inflammatory response Eosinophils – allergy Lymphocytes – Protection by developing antibodies Monocytes – phagocytosis

30 Thrombocytes or platelets Used in blood clotting-clump together to form a clot

31 Blood Types Rh Factor Rh positive Rh negative

32 Cardiologist Hematologist

33 Pathology of the Cardiovascular sys

34 Hemangioma 9lclv9UBABdGM:&tbnh=186&tbnw=180&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dphoto%2Bof%2Ba%2Bhemangioma%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=photo+of+a+hemangioma&d ocid=KyXfR24jI_u4uM&sa=X&ei=qNpsTpLMLcGMsAKenNXnBA&ved=0CCIQ9QEwAA&dur=520

35 Aneurysm


37 Artificial Pacemakers Replace SA nodes b/c it may not be working correctly

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