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Presentation on theme: " The CAFOD Dream Team Kabery’s story Picture my World."— Presentation transcript:

1 The CAFOD Dream Team Kabery’s story Picture my World

2 Kabery’s dream: Going to school

3 My family Hello, my name is Kabery, I am 12 years old and I live in Bangladesh. My dream for the future is to stay in school so that I can train to become a nurse when I am older.

4 My family This is me with my family, my mum, dad and sister Tama.

5 I love music and painting and playing games with my friends. I dream about finishing school and becoming a nurse to help people. My family

6 I get up at 5.30am to get ready for school in the morning, and I love my classes. In the evening I do my homework and I like to read. School is so important to me – it’s what will help me achieve my dream!

7 It’s quite hard living here. My village often experiences natural disasters – like flooding and cyclones which destroys our crops and farmland and makes it hard for us to earn money. My family

8 Cylone Sidr in 2007 destroyed parts of our house, and trees fell down in our yard. Cyclone Aila in 2009 then brought water levels so close to the house that the road was completely destroyed. My family

9 CAFOD have helped us to turn part of our land into a vegetable garden, and are showing us how to grow fruit and vegetables to sell.

10 It’s not easy to grow crops here. When the land is flooded by sea water, it gets very salty and most plant don’t grow well in salty soil. But we have learnt how to grow plants that can grow in salty soil!

11 We are trying hard to keep our homes safe and to prepare for future disasters. CAFOD is helping us with new ways of farming to earn a secure living, and this has made such a big difference. My family CAFOD is working with my family to help us earn a better living through duck- rearing.

12 The money we are making from our vegetable garden means that I can still go to school. My dream is to finish school and to become a nurse!

13 I dream of a more fair and just world, where children everywhere are able to go to school. What’s your dream? Write your dream for a more fair and just world on the Picture my World blog!

14 God of our hopes, God of our dreams, Be close to us today and always! Bless us this day with happiness and peace So that we can dream our dreams For a fair and just world Amen.

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