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The Causes of World War I. Some basic facts… World War I lasted from July 1914 until November 11, 1918 at 11 AM 32 countries were involved in “ The Great.

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Presentation on theme: "The Causes of World War I. Some basic facts… World War I lasted from July 1914 until November 11, 1918 at 11 AM 32 countries were involved in “ The Great."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Causes of World War I

2 Some basic facts… World War I lasted from July 1914 until November 11, 1918 at 11 AM 32 countries were involved in “ The Great War ” World War I started in Europe, most battles fought there, but also fought outside Europe The United States was NEUTRAL until 1917

3 How did we get here? At start of 20 th century, European powers for the most part had been at peace since the end of German unification Movements to outlaw war had gained enough momentum that by 1900, several hundred peace organizations and congresses convened on a yearly basis Berlin Conference

4 So why did this happened? Four MAIN long-term causes: Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Tensions from development of these four causes + one shocking event and the reaction to it  WWI

5 Nationalism Deep devotion to people that share one’s culture, language, religion, etc. By 1900, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Ottoman Empire, Russia, and UK in stiff competition over who was mightiest Competition for resources and markets for goods Territorial disputes Alsace-Lorraine (France and Germany) Balkans (Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire)

6 Imperialism Policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force European powers competed aggressively for colonies in Africa and Asia As Europe industrialized, colonies needed to get cheap resources and as new markets for goods

7 Militarism Belief that a country should maintain strong military to use aggressively to promote national interest In early 1900s, arms race starts in Europe as powers believed greatness = military might Germany builds up navy to rival size of British navy Militarism causes increased patriotism, but also fear of possible war…

8 Alliances Great powers form alliances as early as 1870s due to rivalries and mistrust Otto von Bismarck hopes to isolate France after Franco-Prussian War Bismarck sees French as biggest threat to peace 1871, Dual Alliance formed with Austria-Hungary 1874, Italy joins, becomes Triple Alliance 1881, Germany signs treaty with Russia

9 Alliances Change… 1888, Wilhelm II become Kaiser in Germany 1890, Bismarck forced to resign Chancellery Wilhelm II allows alliance with Russia to lapse in 1890  Russia allies itself with France Alarmed at Wilhelm II’s expansion of German navy, Britain, France, and Russia form Triple Entente

10 Quick Recap What were the long-term causes of World War I (MAIN)? M ilitarism A lliances I mperialism N ationalism

11 Restlessness in the Balkans Balkan Peninsula very ethnically diverse, with most groups part of Slavic ethno-linguistic group By early 1900s, Balkan areas belonging to Ottoman Empire gained independence Greece (1830) Serbia (1868/1878) Bulgaria (1878) Nationalist sentiments very strong in Balkans Serbia hoped to expand territory to include all Slavs in Balkans

12 A Crisis in the Balkans Russia backed Serbia’s expansionist desires, Austria- Hungary did not Austria had large Slavic minority 1908, Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia infuriated Serbia threatens to take B-H from Austria, Austria vows to crush any efforts to do so Known as “Powder Keg of Europe”


14 Serbian Nationalism In May 1911, Unification or Death (also known as the Black Hand ) formed Aimed to unify southern Slavic areas into a nation- state, Greater Serbia Was secret society of mostly Serbian army officers In 1914, started recruiting young Bosnian-Serbs

15 A Plot Unfolds… In 1914, Black Hand’s leader decides on assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand of A-H Gavrilo Pricip and five other young Bosnian-Serbs were recruited to assassinate the Archduke June 28, 1914, Archduke and Duchess Sophia visit Sarajevo, Bosnia’s capital Black Hand places six assassins along the couple’s travel route through city

16 The Shots Heard ‘Round the World The Archduke and Duchess are carried in an open sports car to a town hall meeting Along the way, one assassin throws bomb, but bounces off Archduke’s car After town hall meeting, Archduke decides to visit wounded from bomb blast Motorcade makes wrong turn near Gavrilo Pricip, who takes opportunity to shoot, kills Duchess immediately, Archduke dies from wound later that day Pricip and others attempt suicide but all caught and tried

17 The Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand

18 The War Begins… Austria-Hungary blames Serbia directly for assassination Serbian diplomats to France and Russia claim Serbia warned Austria-Hungary of possible assassination attempt Austria declares war July 28, Russia mobilizes troops to border with Austria UK, Italy, and Wilhelm II urge Austria and Russia to negotiate, but it’s too late… Germany declares war on France and invades Belgium UK declares war on Germany


20 Alliances at Start of War

21 Exit Ticket Write at least one paragraph to answer today’s EQ: How did militarism, entangling alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and political assassination result in the outbreak of World War I?

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