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Burundi “ I can buy medicine if we are sick and pay the school fees." - Domithile, Burundi.

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Presentation on theme: "Burundi “ I can buy medicine if we are sick and pay the school fees." - Domithile, Burundi."— Presentation transcript:


2 Burundi “ I can buy medicine if we are sick and pay the school fees." - Domithile, Burundi

3 “ I have HOPE and a future...” Over the next three years, Five Talents will work with partners in three countries in Eastern Africa to reach more than 70,000 individuals and families with tools to save, develop, and grow small businesses.

4 South Sudan “After borrowing several loans in my group, my income from profits has increased tremendously.” -Deng, Lietnhom

5 Kenya over 11,000 members and over 99% repayment on loans

6 Burundi

7 South Sudan Data reflects Mother’s Union LFEP Program

8 Kenya As a Five Talents entrepreneur grows her business, she increases her children’s access to healthier [meals], clean water, education, healthcare, and, ultimately, a sustainable community...

9 "I have seen the way Five Talents' unique Trust Group structure and business training programmes have enabled many thousands of people in previously marginalized comm- unities to set up and manage their own small businesses. - Archbishop Eliud Wabukala Kenya

10 Burundi Together...we make a DIFFERENCE


12 Become a Friend Today!

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