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Data I.

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Presentation on theme: "Data I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data I

2 Context Definition: Example:
The conditions and circumstances that are relevant to an event, fact, etc. Example: The weather for a particular day.

3 Data Definition A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn. Information that represent the qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or set of variables.

4 Inference Definition Example
Process of drawing a conclusion by applying rules of statistics of sample characteristics to a population. Inferring a characteristic of a population from a sample. Example Drivers of red cars get the most speeding tickets.

5 Sample Definition Example
Set of actual observations; subset of a population. Example The scores of everyone using ABC statistics book.

6 Statistic Definition Example Numerical values summarizing sample data.
Those using ABC statistical text book have a mean score of 90.

7 Population Definition Example
Complete set of events in which you are interested in. Example The scores of all students using any statistics book.

8 Parameter Definition Example
Numerical values summarizing population data. Example Mean (average) score of those using any statistics book.

9 Test Your Knowledge Context Data Inference Sample Statistic Population
Parameter Numerical values summarizing sample data. Numerical values summarizing population data. Complete set of events in which you are interested in. A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn. Set of actual observations; subset of a population. The conditions and circumstances that are relevant to an event, fact, etc. Process of drawing a conclusion by applying rules of statistics of sample characteristics to a population.

10 Test Your Knowledge - Answers
Context-#6 Data-#4 Inference-#7 Sample-#5 Statistic-#1 Population-#3 Parameter-#2 Numerical values summarizing sample data. Numerical values summarizing population data. Complete set of events in which you are interested in. A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn. Set of actual observations; subset of a population. The conditions and circumstances that are relevant to an event, fact, etc. Process of drawing a conclusion by applying rules of statistics of sample characteristics to a population.

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