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The Cell Cycle CELL.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell Cycle CELL."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell Cycle CELL

2 Overview of Cell Cycle Events

3 Mutants that Arrest the Cell Cycle

4 S. pombe Cell Cycle Mutants

5 Wee1 & Cdc25 wee1 kinase Cdc25 phosphatase inhibits Cdk1-cyclinB in G2
mutation allows progression into mitosis without growth Cdc25 phosphatase promotes G1 S transition mutation prevents DNA replication and mitosis

6 Cell Cycle Progression Regulated by Cdks and Cyclins

7 Regulation Run Amok


9 Cdk-Cyclin Activities During the Cell Cycle

10 G1-S Restriction Point

11 Regulation of Transcription of Key Cell Cycle Progression Genes by Rb & E2F during G1

12 External Signals Ultimately Trigger Phosphorylation of Rb

13 Aberrations in Cell Cycle Control Proteins Lead to Cancer

14 G1-S Transition Cdk4/6-cycD P-pRb PpRb releases E2F E2F txbs CycsA & E
Cdk2-cycE spike triggers S-phase

15 G1-S Checkpoint And S-Phase Considerations
Replication should not begin if DNA is damaged DNA integrity monitored by p53 induced genes The p53 conundrum too little – bad too much - bad

16 p53 & Mdm2 in G1-S Checkpoint
Ubiquination of p53 Maintains level of p53 p53 P’ated in response to damaged/unreplicated DNA Mdm2 doesn’t bind P’ated p53 P-p53 activates apoptosis

17 S-Phase Controls Replication must occur only 1 time / cell cycle
Origin “licensing” ORC – origin recognition complex SPF – S-phase promoting factor Mcms helicases that are only loaded once

18 Regulation by Phosphorylation
CAKs P’ate T161 of T loop to activate Wee1/Myt1/Mik1 P’ate T14 & Y15 to inactivate Cdc25 deP’ates T14 & Y15 to activate

19 Nuclear Localization of Cdk1-cycB1 Occurs at G2/M Transition
Cdk1 cytoplasmic , cyclinB1 shuttles, Cdk1-cycB1 shuttles At end of G2 P’tion of CycB1nuclear export signal when complexed to Cdk1 CycB1 carries Cdk1 into nucleus Cdk1-cycB1 then trapped within nucleus Activated by deP’tion of T14 & Y15 by Cdc25

20 Activation of Cdk1-cyclin Requires Inactivation of Cdk2-cyclinA

21 G2 Checkpoint Is DNA replication complete Is DNA undamaged

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