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Finance Committee 2010 - 2011.  Our Presentation is broken down into Three segments: 1 – Sources of Funds and Income 2- Operating Costs and Expenses.

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Presentation on theme: "Finance Committee 2010 - 2011.  Our Presentation is broken down into Three segments: 1 – Sources of Funds and Income 2- Operating Costs and Expenses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finance Committee 2010 - 2011

2  Our Presentation is broken down into Three segments: 1 – Sources of Funds and Income 2- Operating Costs and Expenses 3- Long Term Study for a New Church

3  Weekly Sunday Collections = $ 42,473.27  Parties throughout the Year = $ 10,563.11  Bulletin and Advertising = $ 1,050.00  Donations = $ 4,000.00  Hall income (coffee/ Pastry) = $ 903.27  Masses, Rosary, Weddings, etc. = $ 961.00  Pledges & Founder Seed Money = $ 6,000.00 Total of = $65,950.65

4  Church Rental Fee = $ 0  Priest Salary and Expenses = $ 23,500.00  Priest residency = $ 12,000.00  Furniture and House hold = $ 6,620.00  Church Supplies, Wardrobe, Sports, office supplies, Priest Assistance = $ 11,278.43  Church Registration & Diocese = $ 500.00 Total = $55,398.43

5 REVENUE EXPENSES  Collections  Parties  Bulletin  Donations  Coffee & Pastry  Special Masses  Pledges and Founder Seed  Etc… TOTAL Revenue = $65,950.65 Net Income  Salaries  Resident  Church Rent  Diocese  Office  Registration  Etc… TOTAL Expenses = $55,398.43 $10,552.22

6 STEP 1: SHORT TERM GOAL STEP 2: ULTIMATE GOAL  Buying an existing Church or Industrial building  Requires a good down Payment  Guarantor  Balance sheet  Depending on cost of the Church  It is possible with 25% down  Example of a solution: 100 families @ $3000 each = $300,000  Building our own Church  A long process  Expensive  We will need money upfront  High interest rate for commercial land  Its duable if all puts our hand together to build for our kids future

7  1. Pre-authorized monthly giving: Personal and Businesses  2. Golf Tournament July 2012  3. Major Fundraising Party  4. Businesses outside the community

8  Our SHORT TERM GOAL is to continue supporting and maintaining a STATUS QUO of the existing church.  Our LONG TERM GOAL is for one day (WE HOPE SOON) to have our OWN CHURCH with all its necessary facilities.  Keep in mind that we are building for the next generation “ OUR KIDS “.  God Bless You All.

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