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FAITH ALIVE CHURCH “An Alive Church with an Alive Faith!” With Pastor Phil Miller Rev Richard E. Wilcock, Pastor  610-852-2805 

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Presentation on theme: "FAITH ALIVE CHURCH “An Alive Church with an Alive Faith!” With Pastor Phil Miller Rev Richard E. Wilcock, Pastor  610-852-2805 "— Presentation transcript:

1 FAITH ALIVE CHURCH “An Alive Church with an Alive Faith!” With Pastor Phil Miller Rev Richard E. Wilcock, Pastor  610-852-2805  IGNITE! February 6, 7 & 8, 2015 (Friday, Feb 6 & Saturday, Feb 7 @ 7PM—Sunday Morning, Feb 8 @ 9:30AM)

2 FAITH ALIVE CHURCH “An Alive Church with an Alive Faith!” Rev Richard E. Wilcock, Pastor  610-852-2805  IGNITE! Is revival/renewal to reaffirm our Faith & Relationship with the Lord

3 FAITH ALIVE CHURCH “An Alive Church with an Alive Faith!” Rev Richard E. Wilcock, Pastor  610-852-2805  IGNITE! Is Friday & Saturday Night February 6 & 7

4 FAITH ALIVE CHURCH “An Alive Church with an Alive Faith!” Rev Richard E. Wilcock, Pastor  610-852-2805  IGNITE! Is Combined Worship Sunday Morning 9:30AM

5 FAITH ALIVE CHURCH “An Alive Church with an Alive Faith!” Rev Richard E. Wilcock, Pastor  610-852-2805  IGNITE! Is deeper Worship; Dynamic Preaching

6 FAITH ALIVE CHURCH “An Alive Church with an Alive Faith!” Rev Richard E. Wilcock, Pastor  610-852-2805  IGNITE! Is also for kids—Children ages 5-11 with Dan Propson

7 FAITH ALIVE CHURCH “An Alive Church with an Alive Faith!” Rev Richard E. Wilcock, Pastor  610-852-2805  IGNITE! Is for our growth & to His Glory. Invite a Friend!

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