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Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 Study Visit in Hamburg Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 Study Visit in Hamburg Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 Study Visit in Hamburg Project on Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks (GeoInforM) 1-5 July, 2007, Hamburg

2 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 Group Committee: Ivan A.Serebritsky Lubov B. Borovitskaya Marina A. Korobeynikova Alexey P. Vishnyakov State Company Mineral: Igor V. Bogatyrev

3 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 Visit targets Identify ways to use geological information for city planning in Hamburg; Familiarization with relevant technological and methodological approaches used for decision-support Methods of access to environmental information

4 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 Gathering and storing borehole information: Receiving information Checking data accuracy Entering the data into borehole database

5 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 Borehole database structure in Hamburg Main part – core information (Borehole Id, drilling date, water table, owner, use environments etc.) Geological layers description – depth, thickness of rocks, geological descriptions (stratigraphy, petrology, genesis) Provides possibility for storing several variants layers descryptions

6 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 Means of access and visualization borehole information. ArcGla – extension for ARCView3.2 (Intranet tool) Bohrdatenportal – Internet tool Google Earth

7 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 GEODIN FUGRO Consult GmbH Bundled Software for providing a comprehensive solution for the collection, management, evaluation and presentation of geological, geophysical & environmental data

8 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 3-d Modeling in Hamburg GoCAD – based on the layer description. 1 st stage interpolates absolute levels of the strata roofs (by borehole data) 2 nd stage verifying by cross sections

9 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267 Ground water flow modeling MODFLOW Processing. Based on 3-d modeling Ground water pollution

10 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks― GeoInforM ― LIFE06 TCY/ROS/000267

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