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New Worlds In black hole physics supports this project   Vítor Cardoso (CENTRA/IST) NewWorlds, Lisbon 2012  More at

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Presentation on theme: "New Worlds In black hole physics supports this project   Vítor Cardoso (CENTRA/IST) NewWorlds, Lisbon 2012  More at"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Worlds In black hole physics supports this project   Vítor Cardoso (CENTRA/IST) NewWorlds, Lisbon 2012  More at

2 BH dynamics PRL 103:131102;103:239001 (2009);105:261102 (2010);107:031101(2011);109:131102(2012) PRD 81:084052; 81:104048; 82:104014(2010); 83:024037;83:104048(2011); arXiv:1209.0773 Barausse, Berti, Gualtieri, Herdeiro, Pretorius, Zilhão, Nerozzi, Okawa, Pani, Sperhake, Witek     

3 Black holes have no hair One star made of matter and other of antimatter, produce identical BHs. A BH has only three quantities in common with the star which created it: mass, spin and electric charge

4 Why study BH dynamics Gravitational-wave detection, GW astrophysics Mathematical physics High-energy physics Particle Physics

5 High energy collisions Black holes do form in high energy collisions  Transplanckian scattering well described by BH collisions...  Matter does not matter Sperhake, Cardoso, Pretorius, Berti, Hinderer, Yunes 2009 Sperhake, Berti, Cardoso, Pretorius, arXiv:1211.6114 Choptuik & Pretorius 2010; East & Pretorius 2012

6 Sperhake, Berti, Cardoso & Pretorius, 2012

7 Black holes spin slowly Sperhake et al, Phys.Rev.Lett. 103:131102, 2008; 2012 Cosmic Censorship

8 Sperhake, Cardoso, Pretorius, Berti, Hinderer, Yunes 2009 Witek et al 2010-2011; Okawa et al 2011

9 Sperhake, Cardoso, Pretorius, Berti, Hinderer, Yunes 2009 Witek et al 2010-2011; Okawa et al 2011

10 Black holes and matter fields: superradiance Why study dynamics: particle physics

11 Black hole bombs Zel’dovich ‘71; Press and Teukolsky ’72; Cardoso et al ‘04

12 Nature may provide its own mirrors: AdS boundaries (“covariant box”) Cardoso & Dias ’04 Massive bosons Detweiler ‘80; Cardoso & Yoshida ’05; Dolan ‘07 Interesting as effective description Proxy for more complex interactions Arise as interesting extensions of GR (Brans-Dicke or generic scalar-tensor theories; quadratic f(R)) Axiverse scenarios (moduli and coupling constants in string theory, Peccei-Quinn mechanism in QCD, etc) Arvanitaki et al ‘10

13 Full numerical results: are these fits reliable all the way? Pani et al, Phys.Rev.Lett. (2012);Witek et al, in preparation For j=0.99 and  =0.4,    M. Within factor 2 of slow-rotation fit.

14 Proca instability For a 10 million solar mass BH

15 Brenneman et al, ApJ736, 103 (2011)

16 Depend very mildly on the fit coefficient and on the threshold  τ Salpeter → timescale for accretion at the Eddington limit Proca instability

17 Black hole dynamics is an important and exciting topic. GW-related physics is quickly being explored, but much to do at other levels, specifically HEP, and superradiance-related:  Is Cosmic Censorship vital for our understanding of the universe? Is it preserved?  Can we use BHs to tell the underlying gravity theory? Can we “hear” the theory?  Much to do at the black hole bomb level: nonlinear development  Astrophysics: coupling to matter, can it deffuse the instability? Cardoso et al, PRL107:241101, 2011 Yunes et al PRD81, 084052, 2012

18 Thank you

19 Witek et al, in preparation


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