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Llwyneinion Acid Tar Lagoon

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1 Llwyneinion Acid Tar Lagoon
Dr Mark Burston Technical Manager Wednesday, 26 April 2017

2 Background Assessment is being undertaken in line with the legal framework An initial risk assessment identified uncertainties in the risks that the Acid Tar Lagoon may present March 2006 meeting presented findings of this report Enviros Consulting Limited was appointed by the Environment Agency to undertake the next stage of the assessment: 2.20(b) Visual Inspection & Limited Sampling for to assess risks to controlled waters

3 Key Aspects of Legislation
Part IIA of Environmental Protection Act 1990 Statutory Guidance Strategic approach to inspection of land Identification of land where contamination is causing unacceptable risks Ensure land is returned to a condition whereby it is ‘suitable for its current use’

4 Source Area Being Investigated
Fullers Earth Tip Lagoon

5 palisade security fence palisade security fence historical mine shafts
Conceptual Site Model palisade security fence surface water run-off palisade security fence Railway cutting surface water chemical drums streams No.2 Sst / Mudst ? Half Yard Coal seam Premier Coal seam piezometeric groundwater level No.3 Sst historical mine shafts

6 Potential Pollution Linkages
vapour & dust palisade security fence vapour palisade security fence Railway cutting surface water run-off chemical drums trespassing surface water dust streams No.2 Sst / Mudst surface water leaching to shallow groundwater ? Half Yard Coal seam historical mine shafts Premier Coal seam tar migration piezometeric groundwater level No.3 Sst leaching to deeper groundwater

7 Pollutant Linkages - Human Health
Vapour and dust inhalation by site users X Direct contact by site users / trespassers X Vapour inhalation by off-site receptors: railway cutting & nearby property X Dust inhalation by off-site receptors: footpaths & nearby property X / ?

8 Pollutant Linkages - Water
Lagoon surface water impacting streams ? Lagoon surface water impacting shallow groundwater ? Lagoon surface water impacting deep groundwater X Dissolving tar impacting shallow groundwater ? Dissolving tar impacting deep groundwater X Physical tar migration impacting groundwater ?

9 Works Undertaken to Date
Testing of tar for leachability Surface water features survey - what drains to what and where? Surface water quality sampling programme initiated Groundwater quality sampling programme initiated Assessment of drum contents in Fullers Earth Tip Assessment of dust monitoring protocols

10 Programme for Completion of Works
Groundwater and surface water sampling to assess if there are any seasonal variations (three further rounds of sampling in January, April and July 2007) Further assessment of surface water movement Dust sampling and analysis Assessment of data Reporting of works in September 2007

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