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BILC 2011 Monterey Successful Speaking Activities Validation, Evaluation, Inspiration, Operation! Jean Meakin Senior Lecturer, English Language Wing Defence.

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Presentation on theme: "BILC 2011 Monterey Successful Speaking Activities Validation, Evaluation, Inspiration, Operation! Jean Meakin Senior Lecturer, English Language Wing Defence."— Presentation transcript:

1 BILC 2011 Monterey Successful Speaking Activities Validation, Evaluation, Inspiration, Operation! Jean Meakin Senior Lecturer, English Language Wing Defence School of Languages, UK


3 Outline Our Courses Validation Findings Speaking Activities and Evaluation – Individual Oral Practice (IOP) – Discussions Inspiring Instructors Benefits

4 English Language Wing Courses SLP3 and SLP4 Preparation and Exam Courses English for Advanced Command and Staff College Pre-Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst Pre-Technical and Technical Language Training Train the Trainer Bespoke Courses in UK and abroad

5 Staff Course Validation 2009 All 32 Students Responded SessionsScore for ‘How Useful’ 1. Presentations294 2. Discussions291 3. Individual Oral Practice279 4. Course Visits271 5. Writing263 6. Seminars262 7. News262 8. Progress Tests258 9. Reading and Writing based on Textbook248 10. Military Lectures227 11. Pronunciation221 12. Language Skills based on Textbook219 13. Grammar193 14. Fluency193 15. Military Textbook (Commercially Produced)165

6 General Trend for all Courses: Top Three 1. Individual Oral Practice 2. Discussions 3. Course Visits

7 General Trend for all Courses: Bottom Three Private Study Military Textbook Computer Assisted Language Learning


9 Individual Oral Practice: 1-1 Students prepare Students speak with instructor for 10-15 minutes. Instructor may add unfamiliar ideas / language. Language feedback and a grade All wings, for all languages, 2-3 times a week

10 IOP Techniques Checklist √ Put student at ease √ Allow time for response √ Reword questions appropriately √ Grade the difficulty of the questions √ Ask open questions √ Encourage with short responses √ Be aware of cultural sensitivities √ Let student speak. Minimal interruption.

11 Evaluation Graded according to SLP Comments made on: Vocabulary Fluency Coherence Grammatical structures Pronunciation Errors

12 Larger Classes Concurrent activities Occasionally, two students attend together Have IOPs after normal classes Once a week Involve all the instructors. Swap classes sometimes. Invite external people to help.

13 Benefits of IOPs For Students Confidence Fluency Cope in new situations New expressions Error correction For Instructors Know students better Assessment / diagnostic tool Relatively easy preparation

14 Least Learnt Most Learnt Active Learning Adapted from Active Learning Works by Geoff Petty 2004 Instructor Centred Student Centred Lecture Reading Audio-Visual Demonstration Discussion Group Practise by Doing Teach Others/ Immediate Use of Learning


16 Discussions Groups of 3-6 Students prepare topic, receive questions, learn vocabulary in advance Student chairman Discuss 30-60 minutes Language feedback

17 Larger Classes Several discussions concurrently, feedback from each chairman to whole class afterwards If necessary, instructor can monitor more than one group.

18 Benefits of Discussions For Students Functional Language: interrupt, correct information, clarify, question Share ideas / experiences For Instructors Share ideas / experiences

19 Inspiration: IOPs / Discussions Instructors can cope with the language! Instructors share ideas: Classroom management Language feedback techniques Materials

20 General Benefits of the Speaking Activities Active, autonomous learning Remember more

21 Operational Benefits Communication Cope with familiar and new situations Confidence to cope with joint operations in different cultures

22 ?

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