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The War in Afghanistan Ms. Dennis and Mr. Patten.

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Presentation on theme: "The War in Afghanistan Ms. Dennis and Mr. Patten."— Presentation transcript:

1 The War in Afghanistan Ms. Dennis and Mr. Patten

2 Important Terms to Know: Taliban: a Muslim fundamentalist group in Afghanistan. In 1996 they rose to power and controlled 90 percent of the country by 1998. They were attacked by the U.S. for harboring al Qaeda. Al Qaeda: an international terrorist organization that carries out violent actions against Western nations in attempts at disrupting economic and spreading Islamic fundamentalism. Responsible for 9/11.

3 Facts about the War in Afghanistan The war began on October 7, 2001 It took 2,520 days for the war to take the first 500 American lives and just 627 for it to take the next 500. Over 6,800 U.S. troops have died in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001. The United States has spent $1 trillion dollars since 2001

4 Arguments for Continuing the War in Afghanistan Al Qaeda and the Taliban will regain control – international terrorism will increase. Over time we can eventually help bring democracy and stability

5 Arguments for the War in Afghanistan Any withdrawal will be seen as a victory for violent extremists will encourage those around the world to use violence against the U.S. and our allies Taliban and al Qaeda will strengthen if we leave If the U.S. leaves the country will descend into violence and lawlessness because the Afghan government has never been able to provide security for its people.

6 Those that support the war believe we need to… Increase aid to Afghanistan that helps build infrastructure and a sustainable economy Increase training of Afghan security forces Secure borders of Afghanistan Strengthen efforts to provide education to boys and girls in Afghanistan – help to build a modern nation

7 Arguments Against the War in Afghanistan History has shown it is impossible for outsiders to remake Afghanistan Osama Bin Laden is dead – threat is eliminated Al Qaeda has not successfully attacked the U.S. since 2001 – does not make sense to risk American soldier’s lives or tax payer money Using violence and military force in Afghanistan alienates us from the Afghan government and people – Smaller population of troops could be more acceptable to the Afghans

8 Arguments Against the War in Afghanistan This is the longest war in U.S. history- Our resources would better be spent increasing our security at home There is no chance of a military success Cooperation with other countries, good intelligence work and effective homeland security will prevent another terrorist attack Our presence breeds resentment which serves as a breeding ground for extremists

9 Now you decide… Does your administration support the plan of President Obama? Why or why not? If you support the war, how long do you intend to be there? If you are against the war, when will you remove troops? How will you prevent another terrorist attack from occurring?

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