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Unit 8 When is your birthday? Period 2:Period 2: Section A 2e—3cSection A 2e—3c 长春市第八十七中学东校.

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2 Unit 8 When is your birthday? Period 2:Period 2: Section A 2e—3cSection A 2e—3c 长春市第八十七中学东校

3 1. third 2. fifth 3. sixth 4. seventh 5. twenty-first

4 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13 th 14 th 15 th 16 th 17 th 18 th 19 th 20th 30th one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 基数词 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty 基数词 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 序数词 thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth 序数词 基变序,有规律,词尾加上 th 。 1 2 3 特殊记,词尾字母 t , d , d 。 8 少 t , 9 去 e , f 来把 v e 替。 整十变 y 为 ie ,后跟 th 莫迟疑。 若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。 1st 2nd 3rd 21st 22nd 23rd

5 10 月 31 日 Say the famous stars’ birthdays 3 月 31 日 6 月 18 日 3 月 11 日 7 月 23 日

6 NameBirthdayHow old

7 My birthday is in October. birthday party at three this afternoon

8 Do you want to come to my birthday party?

9 A : When is your birthday? B : My birthday is ________. A: When is your grandmother’s birthday? B: Her birthday is... A: When is your grandfather’s birthday? B: His birthday is... A : When is your father’s birthday? B : His birthday is ________. A : When is your mother’s birthday? B : Her birthday is ________.

10 如何询问时间? When 可以用来对年、月、日 以及时刻进行提问。 句型: When + is + 主语? e.g. When is his birthday? It’s (on) June 5th,1992. QuestionsAnswers When is your birthday?My birthday is on October 2nd. When is Alice’s birthday?Her birthday is on September 5th.

11 Tips: 回 答时常用介词 in, at, on 等词组 成的表时间的介词短语。 in 年, in 月, on 日, at 小时 It’s in 1992. 在 1992 年。 It’s in May. 在五月。 It’s on Sunday. 在周日。 I always go home at 8 o’clock.

12 Teacher: Now, let’s fill in the class birthday calendar. Leila, when’s your birthday? Leila: It’s September 5th, Mr. Fisher. Teacher: Oh, OK. And how about you Nick?

13 Nick: July 4th. Teacher: And Robert? Robert: My birthday is on January 17th. Teacher: January 17th. OK. And Jane, when’s your birthday? Jane: August 22nd.

14 Name Month Date Leila July 4 th Nick August 22 nd Robert January 5 th Jane September 17th

15 NAME: John Miller DATE OF BIRTH: March 21st AGE:15 When is your birthday, John? It’s March 21st. How old are you? I’m fifteen.

16 NAME: William Brown DATE OF BIRTH: November 12th AGE:13 When is your birthday, William? How old are you? It’s ___________. I’m ___________.

17 NAME: Tina Johnson DATE OF BIRTH: June 3rd AGE:17 When is your birthday, Tina? It’s ___________. How old are you? I’m__________.

18 February 14th March 8th April 21st January 29th August 12th September 10th October 1st December 25th 1.2 月1 4 日 2.3 月 8 日 3.4 月 2 1日 4.1 月29日 5.8 月12日 6.9 月1 0 日 7. 10月 1 日 8.12 月2 5 日 9.6 月 15 日 June 15th Can you say the dates ( 说说日期 ) ?

19 一年中的重大节日

20 June 1st May 1st the second Sunday in May January 1st Mother’s day in January or February Children’s Day April 1st New Year’s Day The Spring Festival April Fool’s Day

21 Christmas Day December 25th Thanksgiving Day the fourth Thursday in November National Day October 1st Mid-Autumn Day in September or October September 10th Teachers’ Day the third Sunday in June Father’s Day

22 Choose one month of the year and guess which festival ( 节日 ) it is.

23 When is New Year’s Day ( 元旦 )? It’s January 1st.

24 When is Valentine’s Day ( 情人节 )? It’s February 14th.

25 When is Tree Planting Day ( 植树节 )? It’s March 12th.

26 When is April Fool’s Day ( 愚人节 )? It’s April 1st.

27 When is Labor Day ( 劳动节 )? It’s May 1st.

28 When is Children’s Day ( 儿童节 )? It’s June 1st.

29 When is Army Day ( 建军节 )? It’s August 1st.

30 When is Teachers’ Day ( 教师节 )? It’s September 10th.

31 When is National Day ( 国庆节 )? It’s October 1st.

32 When is Thanksgiving Day ( 感恩节 )? It’s on the fourth Thursday in November.

33 When is Christmas Day ( 圣诞节 )? It’s December 25th.

34 Homework 1. 制作属于你的身份证。 2. 与你的同学一起制作一个班级成员 的生日挂历。 3. 尝试找到这些名人的生日: Edison, Lu Xun, Li Siguang, Newton, Nie Er, Curie 。

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