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AP Lang and Comp Ms. Bugasch March 24, 2014 Goals 1.AP Term Practice 2.To introduce the rhetorical mode: Compare and Contrast 3.To practice Compare and.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Lang and Comp Ms. Bugasch March 24, 2014 Goals 1.AP Term Practice 2.To introduce the rhetorical mode: Compare and Contrast 3.To practice Compare and."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Lang and Comp Ms. Bugasch March 24, 2014 Goals 1.AP Term Practice 2.To introduce the rhetorical mode: Compare and Contrast 3.To practice Compare and Contrast

2 FFW Take out homework: Chart; Collect rewrites In your notebook, answer the following questions: 1.What is the difference between explaining and evaluating within the rhetorical mode of compare/contrast? 2.What are the two ways to organize a comparison? 3.List words you typically use while writing a compare/contrast essay. - Discuss

3 Homework Review Take out Pepsi/Coke Similarities and Differences Charts Brainstorm similarities and differences on board Discussion: Is there a better choice? Why or why not? Discussion: If you were to write an essay based on this topic what would your controlling idea be?

4 INDICATOR WORDS o You will need transitions in compare/contrast articles. These transitions should be INDICATOR words which signal your reading audience that you are writing about similarities and differences: CONTRAST: but, yet, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, but, yet, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, contrary to, unlike, the opposite of, although, despite, even though, instead, still, whereas, on the one hand, on the other hand SIMILARITY INDICATORS : the same as, too, also, likewise, in the same manner, similarly, just as, in the same way

5 Compare/Contrast Practice Read the following essay: Mark Twain’s “Two Ways of Seeing a River” Essential Question: What is being compared and contrasted? Identify SOAPSTone Annotate similarities, differences, indicator words, ethos, logos, pathos o Discuss

6 Closure Exit Pass: Put yourself in Mark Twain’s shoes. Was there ever something in your life that you once thought was so beautiful but it turned out to hurt you in the end?

7 Homework 1. Answer MC questions on Mark Twain’s passage

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