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Daily Quiz and Journal Ch 1 Sect 1 1.Why are questions important in life science? 2.Write an original definition for life science. 3.Give three examples.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Quiz and Journal Ch 1 Sect 1 1.Why are questions important in life science? 2.Write an original definition for life science. 3.Give three examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Quiz and Journal Ch 1 Sect 1 1.Why are questions important in life science? 2.Write an original definition for life science. 3.Give three examples of resources you can use to do research. Ch2 Sect 1 4. What is a cell? 5. What is homeostasis? 6. What is the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction? 7. What is an organism’s metabolism?

2 8.What is the difference between producers, consumers, and decomposers? 9. What is the difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates? 10. What is a lipid? 11.What is the purpose of proteins? 12.Proteins are large molecules that make up another substance. What is that substance? 13. How is water related to how a cell functions? 14. List four things that all organisms need to survive. Daily Quiz and Journal

3 Chapter 3 Section 2 Write definitions for the following words: 15. reflection 16. scattering 17. absorption 18. Transmission 19.How is the angle of incidence related to the angle of reflection? 20.Name and describe at least three different ways light interacts with matter. 21.Describe how absorption and scattering can affect a beam of light? 22.What does the law of reflection state? Daily Quiz and Journal

4 23. What is a wave that consists of changing electric and magnetic fields called? 24. Why are you able to see objects that are illuminated? 25. What makes up only a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum? 26. Visible light only represents a small band within the entire? What? 27.Which law states that a light beam’s angle of reflection is equal to its angle of incidence? 28.An interaction of light with matter that causes light to bounce off an object is? 29.The transfer of light energy to particles of matter is? 30.An interaction of light with matter that causes light to change direction is?

5 Daily Quiz and Journal 31. The passing of light through matter. 32. Wave that consists of changing electric and magnetic fields. 33. EM wave that makes whatever it strikes feel warmer. 34. The entire range of electromagnetic waves. 35. EM wave that causes skin cancer. 36.Why can you see luminous objects? 37.One effect of ultraviolet light is? 38.Bouncing of light waves off an object. 39.Interaction of light with matter that causes light to change direction 40.Arrival of a beam of light at a surface. 41.Transfer of light energy to particles of matter. 42.Range of colors of light 43.Type of wave that makes up light 44.Visible light of all wavelengths combined.

6 Daily Quiz and Journal Chapter 4 Section 1 45.According to the cell theory, what makes up all living things? 46.Where is DNA stored in a eukaryotic cell? 47.Where do cells come from? 48.What limits the size of a cell? 49.What four cell parts are common to both animal and plant cells? 50.What are organelles and what do they do? 51.What is the purpose of the cytoplasm? 52.Why are most cells small?

7 Daily Quiz and Journal Chapter 4 section 2 53. What type of cell has a nucleus? 54. What is the stiff membrane around a plant cell, and what is its purpose or function? 55. What is the green pigment in plant cells for? 56. What protects the inside of a cell from the outside world?

8 Daily Quiz and Journal 57. What are three differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? 58. How does the cell membrane protect the cell? 59. What two functions does the cytoskeleton play in animal cells? 60. What is the function of the nucleus? Chapter 4 Section 3 61.How are multicellular organisms more efficient than unicellular organisms. 62.What is an organ? 63.What is tissue made of, and does tissue have a specific job? 64.List the four levels of organization in multicellular organisms.

9 Daily Quiz and Journal Ch 4 section 3 65.A group of organs that work together are called? 66.A group of cells that work together are called? 67.What is the smallest piece of a living organism? 68.What are two or more tissues that work together called? Chapter 5 Section 1 66.Describe the photosynthesis process. 67.What are chloroplasts? 68.What is cellular respiration? 69.What is fermentation?

10 70.What are chromosomes? 71.What is mitosis 72.What is cytokinesis 73.What are the six phases of mitosis? Daily Quiz and Journal 74. Describe the mitosis process. 75.In what phase of mitosis does the nuclear membrane dissolve? 76.Why is it important for eukaryotic cells to undergo mitosis?

11 74. Describe the mitosis process. 75.In what phase of mitosis does the nuclear membrane dissolve? 76.Why is it important for eukaryotic cells to undergo mitosis? Daily Quiz and Journal Chapter 6 Section 1 77. What is heredity? 78. What is cross-pollination? How does it work? 79. How does cross-pollination differ from self-pollination? 80. What are characteristics, and how are they different from traits?

12 Daily Quiz and Journal 81.What is a true-breeding plant? 82.What is a dominant trait? 83.What is a recessive trait? 84.What is a homozygous plant? 85.What is a heterozygous plant? 86. If the parent generation of a plant is a purple flowering dominant plant, and it is cross-pollinated with a white flowering plant, what will the offspring look like? 87. In Mendel’s experiments did the recessive white flowering plant disappear forever? Explain. 88. What did Mendel call the trait that appeared in all of his first-generation plants?

13 Daily Quiz and Journal Section 2 89. In Mendel’s experiments, all first-generation plants had purple flowers, but second-generation plants also had white flowers. What did this lead Mendel to hypothesize? 90. What are genes? 91. What are alleles? 92. What is a phenotype? 93. Describe homologous chromosomes. 94. What is a karyotype? 95. What are diploid cells? 96. What are haploid cells? 97. What is the purpose of meiosis?

14 Daily Quiz and Journal 98. What is a zygote? 99.How are mitosis and meiosis different? The same? 100. What do the chromosomes contain? 101. How many chromosomes are in a human cell? 102. What is the difference between haploid and diploid cells? 103. Are your body cells diploid or haploid? 104.104.How many times does the nucleus divide during meiosis? 105. If there are 14 chromosomes in a pea plant, how many chromosomes are present in a sex cell of a pea plant? 106. How many pairs of homologous chromosomes are found in human body cells?

15 Daily Quiz and Journal 107. In sexual reproduction, how much genetic information do offspring get from each parent? 108. Genetic information comes from one parent in what type of reproduction? 109. Genetic information is located on structures called what? 110. Where are sex cells made? 111. What does DNA stand for? 112. What are two functions of DNA? 113. What are nucleotides? 114. What is Chargaff’s Rules? 115. What did Rosalind Franklin discover?

16 Daily Quiz and Journal 116. Who are Watson and Crick? 117. What did Watson and Crick discover? 118. What does DNA look like? What is its shape? 119. What functions do proteins perform in DNA replication?

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