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Presentation on theme: "POSTURE & BALANCE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Posture Faulty Posture Faulty Mechanics Injury Where’s the evidence?

3 Posture Muscle Length Ability to Provide Stability
Ability to Provide Mobility Normal Efficient Shortened Inefficient Lengthened

4 Pes Planus vs. Pes Cavus

5 Pes Planus Flat feet Rigid (structural) or Flexible (supple)
Pronated Foot Calcaneous everted (rearfoot valgus) Medial bulge present Navicular is low Forefoot varus Consequences?

6 Pes Cavus High Arches Supinated Foot Consequences?
Calcaneous inverted (rearfoot varus) Navicular is high Forefoot valgus Consequences?


8 Arch Height

9 Finding subtalar neutral
Weight bearing and non-weight bearing


11 Arch Height

12 TibioFemoral Alignment
What are the consequences of faulty alignment?

13 Pelvic Tilt / Lumbar Curvature

14 Postural Faults - Sagittal
Sway Back Kyphosis Flat Back Lordosis

15 Postural Faults - Frontal

16 Posture

17 Balance and Coordination

18 Balance Error Scoring System


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