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Presentation on theme: " HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Clients of sex workers Last updated: November 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Clients of sex workers Last updated: November 2015

2 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 2 HIV prevalence and epidemiology Risk behaviors Vulnerability and HIV knowledge National Response CONTENT

3 HIV prevalence and epidemiology

4 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Sources: based on 1) National Summary Report – India (July 2011), Integrated Behavioral and Biological Assessment (IBBA), Round 2 (2009- 2010). New Delhi: Indian Council of Medical Research and FHI 360; 2) DOH. (2007). WHO Report from the Technical Working Group on Estimation and Projection of HIV and AIDS, 2007; 3) Nepal UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008; and 4) Viet Nam Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2015. (Country Narrative Report) 4 HIV prevalence among clients of female sex workers, countries where data is available, 2006-2013

5 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Sources: based on National Summary Report – India (July 2011), Integrated Behavioral and Biological Assessment (IBBA), Round 2 (2009-2010). New Delhi: Indian Council of Medical Research and FHI 5 Active syphilis prevalence among clients of female sex workers, India, 2009-2010

6 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Sources: based on National Summary Report – India (July 2011), Integrated Behavioral and Biological Assessment (IBBA), Round 2 (2009-2010). New Delhi: Indian Council of Medical Research and FHI 6 Chlamydia and gonorrhea prevalence among clients of female sex workers, India, 2009-2010

7 Risk behaviours

8 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Sources: based on 1. FHI, ICDDR, B., & USAID. (2006). Assessment of Sexual Behavior of Men in Bangladesh: A Methodological Experiment; 2.India, NBSS-General Population (2006) and BBS in 6 states (2009) cited in National AIDS Control Organization India. (2010). UNGASS Country Progress Report: India; 3. Demographic and Health 8 Percentage of men who reported paying for sex in the last 12 months, countries where data is available, 2005 - 2014

9 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Sources: based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Reports; 2) National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD (NCHADS), Behavioral Sentinel Surveillance (Dissemination Presentation by Chhea Chhorvann at Sun Way Hotel, 28th April 2008), 2007; 3) National AIDS Control Program. HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan, National Report Round IV 2011; and 4) icddr,b. (2015). A Survey of HIV, syphilis and risk behaviors among males having sex with males, male sex workers and hijra. Global Fund Rolling Continuation Channel Project of icddr, 9 Proportion of key populations who reported condom use at last sex with female sex workers, 2007-2014

10 Vulnerability and HIV knowledge

11 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Sources: based on 1) NACO. (2006). National Behavioural Surveillance Survey 2006. Female sex workers and their clients; 2) UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Reports 11 Proportion of clients of female sex workers with comprehensive HIV knowledge, 2006-2009

12 National response

13 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of clients of female sex workers who received an HIV test, India, 2009-10 Source: Prepared by based on National Summary Report – India (July 2011), Integrated Behavioural and Biological Assessment (IBBA), Round 2 (2009-2010). New Delhi: Indian Council of Medical Research and FHI

14 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of clients of female sex workers who received an HIV test in the last 12 months and knew the results, 2003-2009 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Indonesia UNAIDS, UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2005; 2) WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF. (2008).Towards Universal Access - Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector Progress Report, 2008; 3) Nepal Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey, 2009; and Cambodia Behavioral Sentinel Survey (BSS), Sexual Behavior among Urban Sentinel Groups,

15 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 15 THANK YOU slides compiled by Data shown in this slide set are comprehensive to the extent they are available from country reports. Please inform us if you know of sources where more recent data can be used. Please acknowledge if slides are lifted directly from this

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