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LUFKIN ISD TECHNOLOGY PLAN Presented by Melissa Smith.

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2 LUFKIN ISD TECHNOLOGY PLAN Presented by Melissa Smith

3 District Mission Statement …in pursuit of excellence… The mission of the Lufkin ISD, in partnership with home and community, is to provide the best educational opportunities in a challenging yet supportive environment where individuals and cultural diversity are respected, so that our students become knowledgeable and responsible citizens, capable of life-long learning and demonstrate the necessary skills to contribute productively in a complex and ever-changing world.

4 Lufkin ISD …in pursuit of excellence… Leading today’s students, preparing tomorrow’s leaders. “Education comes from learning, not teaching. The world’s best teachers are not repositories of knowledge, but skilled navigators who lead young minds to discovery and understanding” (Arsham, 2002).

5 District Goals …in pursuit of excellence… I.Vision II.Teaching & Learning III.Climate IV.Parent and Community Involvement V.Human Resources VI.Growth & Change

6 District Profile ESC Region: 7 City, State, Zip: Lufkin, Texas 75904 Number of Campuses: 15 Total Student Enrollment: 2,649 District Size: 1,600-2,999 Economically Disadvantaged: 75% (Lufkin ISD Technology Plan for E-Rate Year 11, 2010-2013).

7 Technology Budget Technology Expenditures: $1,749,705.00  Teaching and Learning Budget: $34,994.10  Educator Preparation & Development Budget: $17,497.05  Leadership, Administration and Support Budget: $104,982.30  Infrastructure for Technology Budget: $1,592,231.55

8 Technology Facts and Figures Technology Expenditure per pupil: $660.52 Number of campuses with Direct Connection to Internet: 15 Percent of campuses with Direct Connection to Internet: 100% Number of classrooms with Direct Connection to Internet: 600 Percent of classrooms with Direct Connection to Internet: 100% Computer/Student Ratio: 4 students for every computer Computer/Teacher Ratio: 1 teacher for every computer Number of campuses that have completed Texas Campus STaR Chart: 15 Percentage of campuses that have completed Texas Campus STaR Chart: 100% % (Lufkin ISD Technology Plan for E-Rate Year 11, 2010-2013).

9 Executive Summary Lufkin ISD has created a plan to set measurable goals and deadlines for the district’s continuing growth, to provide resources necessary for our teachers and students and provide the necessary support to the learning process. (Lufkin ISD Technology Plan for E-Rate Year 11, 2010-2013). Lufkin ISD Technology Plan priorities: Teaching and Learning Educator Preparation and Development Leadership Administration and Instructional support Infrastructure for Technology

10 Compliance (cont.) LISD implements policy from all involved stakeholders by receiving input and guidance from the following : Review of No Child Left Behind requirements E-Rate requirements Texas Long Range Plan for Technology SBEC Standards for Technology Completion of teacher and campus STaR Chart surveys Review of core curriculum TEKS and Technology Application TEKS

11 Compliance (cont.) All goals, objectives, and strategies are in accordance with NCLB and International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) guidelines set in place as a guide for : Technology Leaders y_Leadership_Standards.htm Technology Facilitators y_Facilitation_Standards.htm Administrators ministrators_2009.htm Teachers _2008.htm Students _2007.htm

12 Needs Assessment An ongoing, comprehensive needs assessment utilizing the following methods will be used to analyze the current status of technology in the district and the future needs : Online teacher surveys Interviews with department heads LRTP meetings Campus inventories Texas Campus STaR Chart Items analyzed included: personnel support, professional development, curriculum integration, infrastructure, hardware, software, student achievement, and technology resources. The findings from the needs assessment help to create goals, objectives and strategies for the technology plan.

13 Goal 1: Lufkin ISD will improve student academic achievement through the integration of technology into all curricular areas of instruction with the use of appropriate resources.

14 Objectives for Goal 1 : 1.1 Provide supporting resources, such as software and other electronically delivered learning materials that will ensure successful and effective uses of technology to all students. 1.2 Provide all teachers necessary technology training in order to better integrate technology into all curriculums. 1.3 Principals and administrators will create a shared vision of technology, leading and expecting all teachers to use innovative technology and best practices to educate the student.

15 Strategies for Goal 1 : 1.1.1 Update library catalog software for web-based, on-demand access to information. 1.1.2 All teachers will facilitate and mentor student-centered learning and communities of inquiry with businesses, industry, government, and higher education. 1.1.3 Every campus will provide flexible technological access to the library resources so research skills using technology can be used at the point of need. 1.1.4 All students will have access to online resources to improve academic achievement. 1.1.5 Provide all students with CIPA compliant email box. 1.1.6 Continue to provide all teachers and campuses with a district wide web portal to host teacher websites.

16 Strategies for Goal 1 : 1.2.1 Provide teachers with plans and designs of at least 2 student projects utilizing technology in all curriculum or content areas. 1.2.2 All teachers will incorporate at least 2 student projects per year utilizing technology in their curriculum or content areas. 1.2.3 Provide new teacher orientation for all incoming teachers in district policies, LRPT goals, grade book, and online communication and storage. 1.2.4 Allocate at least 30 percent of technology budget for professional development. 1.2.5 Provide all teachers staff development using a variety of models including online and “just-in-time” staff development.

17 Strategies for Goal 1 : (cont.) 1.2.6 Every campus will update a Campus STaR Chart, as well as each teacher updating his/her own STaR Chart, in order to analyze the campus technology needs. 1.2.7 Every campus will incorporate a Technology Plan within their Campus Improvement Plan. 1.2.8 Continue to provide principals and directors assistance and staff development in the use of electronic student performance data and curriculum materials in instructional planning. 1.2.9 Investigate and expand online staff development opportunities for staff and teachers. 1.2.10 All teachers will receive training in basic PC skills.

18 Strategies for Goal 1 : (cont.) 1.2.11 Surveys will be completed by all staff in order to create a technology training plan. 1.2.12 Develop and implement a technology training plan according to the survey results in alignment with the SBEC standards. 1.2.13 Provide technology training appropriate to job function for all personnel.

19 Strategies for Goal 1 : (cont.) 1.3.1 All K-2 teachers will utilize the online K-2 Curriculum Guide, which includes TA TEKS throughout. 1.3.2 All teachers will submit weekly lesson plans with TA TEKS integrated into curriculum. 1.3.3 Lufkin High School will continue to offer and teach all state-mandated Technology Applications courses. 1.3.4 All teachers will use technology for planning, research and multimedia presentations to meet a variety of learning styles and needs. 1.3.5 Vertically align the Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TA TEKS). 1.3.6 All teachers will meet 80% of the SBEC Technology Standards.

20 Strategies for Goal 1 : (cont.) 1.3.7 Continue to provide mechanisms for staff communications in all departments, such as web portal, newsletters, shared folders and calendars. 1.3.8 All teachers will use technology to communicate with parents, peers and experts. 1.3.9 Provide all District Administrators with staff development in the use of technology needed to perform their individual job functions. 1.3.10 Provide all District Paraprofessionals with staff development in the use of technology needed to perform their individual job functions. 1.3.11 Provide all District Instructional Specialist with staff development in the use of technology needed to perform their individual job functions.

21 Lufkin ISD will integrate parent and community involvement effectively in the academic setting through technological advancements. Goal 2: Lufkin ISD will integrate parent and community involvement effectively in the academic setting through technological advancements.

22 Objectives for Goal 2 : 2.1 Expand community access to school information through technology. 2.2 Programs will be established by the district for development of adult technological literacy.

23 Strategies for Goal 2 : 2.1.1 Maintain current and create new internal and external curriculum links and resources for teachers, students, and community. 2.1.2 Provide secure, online grade book and attendance accessible by all teachers, students, and parents. 2.1.3 Online course management software will be implemented through a web portal. 2.2.1 Technology access will be provided during campus Math, Literacy, and Science Nights.

24 Lufkin ISD will provide students, teachers and staff increased access to technology that ensures a working, safe, filtered environment. Goal 3: Lufkin ISD will provide students, teachers and staff increased access to technology that ensures a working, safe, filtered environment.

25 Objectives for Goal 3 : 3.1 All Technology Services staff will maintain a client-centered approach in purchasing, support, and repairs. 3.2 All staff and students will abide by the district Acceptable User Policy and software standards. 3.3 Investigate other funding sources to increase technology access.

26 Strategies for Goal 3 : 3.1.1 Continue to provide three Instructional Technology Specialists. 3.1.2 Continue to provide online work orders for technology support, hardware maintenance and service, including online forms and procedures. 3.1.3 Continue to improve centralized technology support, utilizing remote management tools 3.1.4 Provide online “tips and tricks” to address highest frequency of Help Desk calls.

27 Strategies for Goal 3 : (cont.) 3.1.5 Maintain a 24 hour response and resolution time for technology solutions. 3.1.6 Improve response time to meet Target Tech goal of eight hours. 3.1.7 Continue to use State Allotment and budget locally for technology infrastructure and hardware needs. 3.1.8 Maintain a centrally located system for purchasing technology hardware and software. 3.2.1 All staff and students will receive instruction on AUP requirements. 3.2.2 Uphold process for approval of software standards.

28 Strategies for Goal 3 : (cont.) 3.2.3 All software must be approved through district procedures. 3.2.4 Maintain the latest version of anti-virus email agent. 3.2.5 Maintain latest version of an Internet content filter. 3.2.6 Maintain database of parental approval for electronic display of original work and/or photographs of students. 3.3.1 Form a committee to investigate and review available grants and technology funding sources. 3.3.2 Develop a grant writing committee to act upon information developed by the investigative committee. 3.3.3 The district will continue to apply for E-rate funds based on free and reduced lunch percentages to help support Internet access.

29 Strategies for Goal 3 : (cont.) 3.3.4 The district will continue to apply for E-rate funds based on free and reduced lunch percentages to help support Internet access. 3.3.5 The district will continue to apply for E-rate funds based on free and reduced lunch percentages to supplement expenses for phone services.

30 Infrastructure Goal: Lufkin ISD will ensure effective and efficient operation of hardware and infrastructure. Goal 4: Infrastructure Goal: Lufkin ISD will ensure effective and efficient operation of hardware and infrastructure.

31 Objectives for Goal 4 : 4.1 The District Technology Committee will design and submit a District Technology Plan aligned with district and state goals to evaluate and update infrastructure annually to provide students and staff with access to networked, internet-ready computers in accordance with TA TEKS requirements. 4.2 The District Technology Committee will design and submit a District Technology Plan aligned with district and state goals to evaluate and update computers and computer equipment annually to provide students and staff with access to networked, internet-ready computers in accordance with TA TEKS requirements. 4.3 Students and staff will have access to peripherals in accordance with the TA TEKS requirements.

32 Strategies for Goal 4 : 4.1.1 Continue to provide LANs at every location connected by district Gigabit speed WAN. 4.1.2 Campus plans will reflect the goals of the District Technology Plan to meet the needs of all teachers and students. 4.1.3 The District will upgrade the existing wireless network to implement wireless security and user control. 4.1.4 The District will update the current digital phone system to a Voice over IP (Internet Protocol) system. Even though Lufkin ISD does not meet the 1:1 computer: student ratio, district teachers do a tremendous job of implementing Marzano’s instructional strategies. (Marzano, Pickering and Pollock, 2001)

33 Strategies for Goal 4 : (cont.) 4.2.1 The district will replace outdated computers in all classrooms on the listed campuses: Anderson Elementary, Brandon Elementary, Coston Elementary, and Trout Primary. 4.2.2 The district will replace outdated computers in all classrooms on the Lufkin Middle School campus. 4.2.3 The district will increase the number of student computers to a 1:1 ratio. 4.2.4 Develop and maintain hardware standards for administrators, teachers, and students. 4.2.5 Campus inventories will be conducted semi-annually.

34 Strategies for Goal 4 : (cont.) 4.3.1 Pilot a program to evaluate student response systems in the classrooms. 4.3.2 Pilot Smart tables for students with special needs.

35 Are we ready for the challenge? “Students are different, but educational practice and the material that supports it is changing only slowly” (Horizon Report, 2009). Schools are still using materials developed to teach the students of decades ago, but today’s students are actually very different in the way they think and work. We as teachers and technology leaders must change the way we are doing things in the classroom as well.

36 Evaluation Process  The Technology Director will evaluate all purchasing procedures for ordering, installation, and maintenance of all items to meet the goals of the plan.  This evaluation will include review of Purchase Orders, Invoices, Maintenance Work Orders, and meetings with network, technical, and instructional staff.  Modifications will be made accordingly and implemented immediately.

37 Evaluation Process (cont.)  The Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Technology Director, Instructional Technology Specialists, each Campus Improvement Committee, and DEIC Committee will be responsible for the ongoing evaluation and will utilize all resources deemed necessary in the process.  The intention of the evaluation will be to make decisions on the impact of technology in the learning process for all students and facilitators.

38 Evaluation Method  These evaluation resources may include:  Surveys of students, teachers, administrators, and parents.  Campus and District STaR Chart reports  Technology Expenditure Reports  Evidence of Integration in classroom including lesson plans and student products  Professional Development Records

39 Evaluation Method (cont.)  Teacher web pages, as well as, campus and district web pages  Trouble Trakker tickets  Help Desk Records  PDAS evaluations

40 References Arsham, H. (2002, March). Impact of the internet on learning and teaching. USDLA Journal, 16.3. Retrieved on November 17, 2009, from Lufkin ISD Long range plan for technology 2010-2013. (2010). 3. Marzano, R.J., Pickering, D.J., & Pollock, J.E. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. (2009). Horizon Report: K-12. The New Media Consortium. Retrieved on February 4, 2010, from

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