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WP1: Synthesis and dissemination Leader: nn WP2: Climate scenarios Leader: E. Roeckner MPI WP5: Risk and Opportunity assessment Leader: Ø. Endresen, DNV.

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Presentation on theme: "WP1: Synthesis and dissemination Leader: nn WP2: Climate scenarios Leader: E. Roeckner MPI WP5: Risk and Opportunity assessment Leader: Ø. Endresen, DNV."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP1: Synthesis and dissemination Leader: nn WP2: Climate scenarios Leader: E. Roeckner MPI WP5: Risk and Opportunity assessment Leader: Ø. Endresen, DNV WP6: Arctic governance and geopolitics Leader: T. Koivurova, AC/UL WP2.1 Climate model scenarios Leader: MPI WP2.2 Northern Sea Route scenarios Leader: NERSC WP3: Economic sectors Leader: W. Østreng, OF WP3.1 Marine transport Leader: DNV WP3.2 Fisheries Leader: CEFAS WP3.3 Oil and gas Leader: OF WP3.4 Tourism Leader: ETOUR WP3.5 Infrastructure and Business services Leader: BMT WP4: Impact studies Leader: nn, CEFAS WP4.1 Economic impact Leader: ECF WP4.2 Environmental impact Leader: CEFAS WP4.3 Social impact Leader: UU WP1.1 Users and stakeholders Leader: nn WP1.2 Data integration - GIS Leader: nn WP1.3 Synthesis of results Leader: nn WP1.4 Dissemination Leader: IPF

2 WPYear 1Year 2Year 3 WP1.1 WP1.2 WP1.3 WP1.4 WP2.1 WP2.2 WP3.1 WP3.2 WP3.3 WP3.4 WP3.5 WP4.1 WP4.2 WP4.3 WP5 WP6 Intensive activity Reduced activity

3 Milestones MonthDescription of milestones 2-3WP1.1: First user-stakeholder workshop + internal workshop on integration between WPs WP1.4: Public web site in operation 6WP1.1: Established user and stakeholder groups and methodology to communicate with them WP1.2: Implemented GIS system for integration of data from the other WPs WP2: preliminary results on climate scenarios delivered to WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6 12WP2: Report on climate scenarios, review of progress of WP1.4, WP3 and WP4 18WP1.1: Second user-stakeholder workshop WP1.2: First set of multidisciplinary data inserted in GIS, WP3: Results of economic sector analyses Review progress of WP1.4, WP4, WP5 and WP6 24WP1.3: First synthesis of results WP4: Report on Impact studies from WP4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 Review progress of WP4.1, WP5 and WP6. 33WP1.1: Third user-stakeholder workshop with presentation of integrated results WP1.2: Presentation of integrated data in GIS WP2.1/W2.2: Update results from climate scenarios WP3: Updated and final results from Economic sector analyses WP4: Final results from Impact studies WP5: Final results of Risk and Opportunity assessment WP6: Final results of Arctic governance studies 36WP1.3/1.4 Final synthesis, complete dissemination

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