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Joint MRC- Russia Conference on the Exchange of Experiences in the Sphere of Water Resources Management 16-17 November 2015, Moscow, Russia Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint MRC- Russia Conference on the Exchange of Experiences in the Sphere of Water Resources Management 16-17 November 2015, Moscow, Russia Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint MRC- Russia Conference on the Exchange of Experiences in the Sphere of Water Resources Management 16-17 November 2015, Moscow, Russia Monitoring and Assessment of Climate Change Risks in the Lower Mekong River Basin Presented by Dr Nguyen Huong Thuy Phan Programme Coordinator , Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) Officer-in-Charge, Environment Programme (EP)

2 Lower Mekong Basin at risk, MRC to act
2007: MRC Council asked for the development of CCAI Source: IPCC 2007 Source: EEPSEA 2009 26-Apr-17

3 MRC Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative (CCAI)
Establishment of MRC Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) CCAI: A regional collaborative initiative to support the Member Countries in adapting to the impacts & new challenges posed by climate change, supported by: 26-Apr-17

4 Implications for water, food and energy in the LMB
Climate change Impacts on hydrology Rainfall Water balance Impacts on hydrodynamics & morphology Flow Sediment Impacts on ecosystems and people livelihoods Impacts on hydropower yields and operation Impacts on agriculture, fisheries …

5 Mekong Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan
CCAI work programme toward a Mekong Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan (MASAP) Capacity building activities Climate change information, scenarios, uncertainties Assessment of impacts on flow regime Assessment of changes in climate and hydrological extremes Basin-wide assessments Ecosystem Food security Floods Droughts Hydropower 2015 Policy review 2012, 2014 2014 2013 Roundtable discussions and study visits Mekong climate change forum Capacity needs assessment Literature review 2013 2016 Compilation of experiences from other international river basins Report on status of CC and adaptation in the LMB Database and monitoring system Country-run demonstration projects Mekong Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan

6 Basin-wide monitoring of climate change and adaptation: (1)
Objectives: monitor changes in climate, impacts and vulnerability monitor climate change actions and performance Spatial scope: whole LMB Approach: indicators – based Reporting frequency: various

7 Basin-wide monitoring of climate change and adaptation: (2)
1. Concept and work-plan (November 2012) 2. Indicators (March 2014) - 87 indicators following DPSIR Indicator cards Reference periods and values 3. Methods, data collection, analysis (on-going) Technical report describing the system Monitoring reports Atlas (including digital) Volume 1: Climate Change Volume 2: Impacts, Vulnerability, Adaptation 4. Methods piloting (on-going) 5. Reporting, refining and capacity transfer (on-going)

8 Interactive Atlas: Historical Climate

9 Interactive Atlas: Projected Future Climate

10 Basin-wide assessment of climate change impacts on water and water related resources and sectors in the LMB Sep 2015 Flow, Salinity: Dec 2015 Sediment, Nutrient: Jun 2016 Mar 2016 Dec 2015 Jun 2016

11 Initial results: impact on salinity intrusion
(only climate change) Low climate change scenarios (RCP 2.6) and 13 cm sea level rise compared with Year 2007 26-Apr-17

12 Initial results: shift of bio-climatic zones
Baseline Future climate 26-Apr-17

13 Initial results: impact on hydropower production
Ubol Ratana Chulabhorn 26-Apr-17

14 Thank you for your kind attention!

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