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Determining the impact of future climate change on ecologically important macroalgae Charlie M. Phelps *, Mary C. Boyce #, Megan J. Huggett *# *Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Determining the impact of future climate change on ecologically important macroalgae Charlie M. Phelps *, Mary C. Boyce #, Megan J. Huggett *# *Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Determining the impact of future climate change on ecologically important macroalgae Charlie M. Phelps *, Mary C. Boyce #, Megan J. Huggett *# *Centre for Marine Ecosystem Research, Edith Cowan University # Centre for Ecosystem Management, Edith Cowan University

2 Background Macroalgae are 3D habitat forming primary producers Herbivores have close ties with the algae, inhabiting, consuming and building nests within their host.

3 Ocean conditions: Current - pCO 2 approx 394 ppm - pH approx 8.1 - mean summer temp approx. 20.5⁰C Predicted (yr. 2100) - pCO 2 approx 1000 ppm - pH approx 7.6 - temp approx 25.5⁰C Background Source: M Huggett

4 The impact of climate change on macroalgae Shifts in habitat assemblages from temperate to tropical Source: Wernberg et. al. (2012)

5 Determine how increased temperature and decreased pH affects the performance of Ecklonia radiata and Sargassum sp. in terms of frond toughness, growth, photosynthetic rate and nutrient content; Determine if the feeding rates of mesograzers are impacted by algae that have been subjected to increased temperature and lowered pH conditions Aims

6 Study Species Two brown algal species - Sargassum and the kelp Ecklonia radiata Amphipod - Allorchestes compressa Gastropod – Family Trochidae Source : Source: Dean Janiak Photo: Gary Poore, Museum of Victoria

7 Methods Collection of species Acclimatise 48 hours 4 treatments 5 replicates per treatment (20 algae) Treatment period 14 days Increased temp 25.5 °C pH 8.1 Increased temp & Decreased pH 25.5 °C pH 7.6 Decreased pH 20.5 °C pH 7.6 Ambient 20.5 °C pH 8.1 Sargassum sp.E. radiata

8 Growth Bleaching Dark – adapted yield Blade toughness C:N ratios Plant Performance

9 Growth Growth occurs in the apical tips in Sargassum and in the base fronds in E. radiata Two different methods required : - Total length measurements (Sargassum) - Hole punch method (E. radiata) Source:Mann & Kirkman (1981) Total Growth Total Length

10 Growth E. radiata p = 0.093 Sargassum sp. p = 0.167

11 Bleaching Triggered by increases in temperature and/or UV radiation Daily observations White background used as standard Coverage and severity observations taken as percentage

12 Bleaching AB Sargassum sp. p = 0.035 E. radiata p = 0.282

13 Quantum Efficiency Specimens were dark adapted for 15 minutes to obtain Fv/Fm yields. Measurements taken at three stages : - immediately post collection - prior to initiation of treatments (Day 1) - post treatment period (Day 14) Source: Gina Mohammed / P&M Technologies

14 Quantum Efficiency Sargassum sp. p = <0.001 E. radiata p = 0.101

15 Blade Toughness In increased CO 2 conditions, a higher allocation of carbon to structural carbohydrates occurs Increasing blade toughness New growth blades were pierced with a custom made penetrometer

16 Blade Toughness AB A Sargassum sp. p = 0.19 E. radiata p = 0.023

17 Fresh Feeding Assay No choice feeding assay Herbivores were offered a pieces of fresh new growth blade Feeding occurred over 36 hours

18 Fresh Feeding Assay Sargassum sp. A.compressor p= 0.83 Trochidae p = 0.578 E. radiata A.compressor p= 0.093 Trochidae p = 0.017 A

19 Summary E.radiata was significantly tougher in the decreased ph/increased temp treatment and consumed more by the Trochidae Sargassum sp. bleached at higher levels in increased temp and showed a lower quantum efficiency than ambient conditions

20 Thank you

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