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2014-2015 Proposed Budget Public Hearing February 6, 2014 Personal and Academic Excellence Inspired by a Collaborative and Innovative Learning Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-2015 Proposed Budget Public Hearing February 6, 2014 Personal and Academic Excellence Inspired by a Collaborative and Innovative Learning Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-2015 Proposed Budget Public Hearing February 6, 2014 Personal and Academic Excellence Inspired by a Collaborative and Innovative Learning Environment

2 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 2 2014-2015 Proposed Budget –Meetings to Date  Tuesday, November 12, 2013  Principals – budget input  Wednesday, November 13, 2013  Program managers – budget input  Thursday, December 12, 2013  Budget work session  Monday, January 13, 2014  TACC meeting - budget  Monday, January 13, 2014  Clark Elementary – parents, community

3 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 3 2014-2015 Proposed Budget –Meetings to Date  Wednesday, January 15, 2014  Venable Elementary – parents, community  Friday, January 17, 2014  Budget work session – School Board  Thursday, January 30, 2014  Jackson-Via Elementary – parents, community  Saturday, February 1, 2014  Budget work session – School Board

4 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 4 2014-2015 Proposed Budget-General Fund Salary and Benefit Changes  Salary increase, step plus 1.5% Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) Step increase to all eligible staff plus 1.5% across the board to pay tables. No increase to stipends or other hourly rates of pay is proposed.  VRS retirement and life +21.20% (13.96% to 16.92%) Total Additional Cost: Retirement system costs include both an employer and an employee share. Employees pay 5% of base salaries, employers pay a rate determined by the General Assembly and set each biennium. 16.92% is the proposed employer rate for all school systems.  Re-establish funds for 2 open positions Total Additional Cost: $1,077,321 $907,989 $149,691

5 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 5 2014-2015 Proposed Budget-General Fund Staffing Formula and Other Staffing Changes Staffing Formula: Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) No changes to staffing formulas are proposed for grades 5 – 12. K-1 class sizes in grades K and 1 are proposed to be capped at 22 and 23 from the current max of 24 for the 3 schools least impacted by poverty. Class sizes K and 1 will be capped at 21 for the 3 schools most impacted by poverty. This proposal results in the addition of 2 teachers and 2 instructional assistants. Proposal would lower class size caps in grades 2 – 4 beginning the 2015-2016 school year. $190,878

6 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 6 2014-2015 Proposed Budget-General Fund Other Staffing Changes, continued… Elimination of Safe Schools Grant Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) + 2.00 positions (preschool teacher and instructional assistant) plus materials, supplies, other expenses. Includes contract with Region Ten to provide 2 MH Counselors and 30% of the cost of a project director - project director is shared with Albemarle County. CHS science labs Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) + 1.00 STEM teaching position, increase current STEM teacher to 220 days from 200, plus materials, supplies, and contractual service agreement with UVa. Buford science labs Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) Increases 3 STEM teachers to 220 days from 200 plus materials, supplies, other expenses $231,284 $131,059 $81,825

7 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 7 2014-2015 Proposed Budget-General Fund Other Staffing Changes, continued… Instructional coaching model Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) Reduces 6.80 instructional coordinators, adds 10.00 teacher/instructional coaches. Reduce 3.00 Instructional Coordinator Contracts from 260 to 220 days Total Cost Reduction: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) $93,900 - $31,555

8 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 8 2014-2015 Proposed Budget-General Fund Other Staffing Changes, continued… Floating substitute Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) + 1.00 position – Charlottesville High School Other staffing changes to existing programs Total Additional Cost (net increase of.85 positions): (link to supporting material) + 1.00 Physical education teacher – Walker +.40 Spanish teacher – elementary +.70 Custodians – CHS (.50) and Jackson Via (.20) -.25 Coordinator to CLASS program - 1.00 Temporary Instructional Assistant from current year $50,753 $52,290

9 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 9 2014-2015 Proposed Budget-General Fund Other Staffing Changes, continued… Kindergarten Jumpstart – summer school Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) Hourly pay and operating National Board Certification costs Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) Assists with costs to teachers for completing program Increase technology help desk staff to 260 days from 200 Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) Summer refresh and set-up of IT services is extensive. Currently paying hourly for much of this work. $34,873 $7,000 $28,969

10 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 10 2014-2015 Proposed Budget-General Fund Operating and other changes Major contractual obligations Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) Maintenance, Transportation, Security, CATEC, PREP, Comprehensive Services Act Instructional support Total Additional Cost : (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) Math support software, e-resources, special education evaluation materials School yard garden Total Additional Cost: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) Contract payment to support coordinator position Other operating changes Total Cost Reduction: (link to supporting material)(link to supporting material) All other changes, additions, reductions TOTAL EXPENSE CHANGES FROM 2013-2014: $3,067,233 $28,000 $109,292 $25,000 - $17,336

11 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 11  CITY:  Additional request 2,055,083  FEDERAL:  Advanced Placement 4,980  STATE:  Composite Index decrease (.6861 to.6680) 404,900  PREP state reimbursement 227,345  All other state funds 914,534  TUITION AND TRANSFERS  Transfer to WALK program (LINK)(147,639)(LINK)  Transfer to Prevention, Intervention, Remediation (LINK) (31,664)(LINK)  Transfer to Nutrition (LINK) (20,000)(LINK)  Transfer to Technology Replacement (LINK) (17,070)(LINK)  Transfers to furniture replacement (LINK) (10,000)(LINK)  PREP reimbursement for CCS staff(285,686)  Increase in non-resident tuition fees 10% (LINK) 27,330(LINK)  Reduce use of fund balance (85,481) TOTAL REVENUE CHANGES FROM 2013-2014: $3,067,233 2014-2015 Proposed Budget-General Fund Revenue Changes by Funding Source

12 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 12 2014-2015 Special Revenue Funds Total: $ 13,635,968  Support Programs  School Nutrition $2,035,775  Adult Education $1,088,123  CLASS $482,088  Text media $320,341  Technology Replacement$842,070  MLK Performing Arts Center$107,859 TOTAL SUPPORT PROGRAMS $4,876,256

13 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 13 2014-2015 Special Revenue Funds Total: $ 13,635,968  State Sponsored Programs  Hospital Education $2,579,064  Blue Ridge Detention Center$776,268 TOTAL STATE SPONSORED PROGRAMS $3,355,332

14 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 14 2014-2015 Special Revenue Funds Total: $ 13,635,968  Major Grant Supported Programs  Federal: Title 1 $1,435,134  Federal: Title VI-B (Flow Through) $941,699  Federal: All other title funds $459,453  State/local: Prevention, Intervention, Remediation $728,661  State/local: Virginia Preschool Initiative $512,391  State: VPSA Technology Grant $285,000  State: 21 st Century Grant $199,562  Local: Boyd Tinsley $75,000  All Others (approximately 30) $767,480

15 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 15 Revenues vs. Expenditures

16 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 16 Expenditures by State Reporting Category Instruction……………………………….. 73.0% Maintenance……………………….…….. 9.8% Administration/Attendance/Health…… 6.0% Nutrition/Non-Instruction………………. 4.0% Technology…………………….…………. 3.9% Pupil Transportation……………………. 3.3% $68,153,302

17 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 17 2014-2015 General Fund Summary Points to Remember  Significant cost items in proposal ($2,620,356):  Salary increase: step plus 1.5%, $1,077,321  Virginia Retirement System: + 21%, $907,989  Loss of Safe Schools Grant: $231,284  Reduce class sizes in grades K-1: $190,878  CHS science lab: $131,059  Buford science lab: $81,825  Budget proposal eliminates 6.80 Instructional Coordinators and replaces positions with 10.00 teacher/instructional coaches.

18 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 18 2014-2015 General Fund Summary Points to Remember  Budget is subject to change:  Virginia Retirement System Rate  House and Senate Versions, then General Assembly  Comprehensive Services Act  PREP  City funding  Health insurance  Bell bill

19 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 19 2014-2015 Proposed Budget – Upcoming Meetings  Tuesday, February 18, 12:00 p.m.  PTO presidents luncheon  Wednesday, February 19, 4:00 p.m.  School Board work session  Thursday, February 27, 5:00 p.m.  School Board approval  Monday, March 3, 7:00 p.m.  City Council presentation  Friday, April 11, time TBA  City Council approval of city-wide budget

20 Charlottesville City Schools 1562 Dairy Road Charlottesville VA 22903 434-245-2400 20 2014-2015 Proposed Budget Public Hearing February 6, 2014 Personal and Academic Excellence Inspired by a Collaborative and Innovative Learning Environment

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