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We are not striving to be the “perfect” church but a healthy one.

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2 We are not striving to be the “perfect” church but a healthy one.

3  What Does God Consider True Worship?  Finding your passion. Mark 12:30  Filling every moment with LIFE.  Walking worthy of God. Ephesians 5:3  Pleasing God with joyful obedience. 1 John 5:3 The single most important activity of your life is to worship God. You were made for this – to offer your whole life, in all its parts, as a hymn of praise to the Lord. Sinclair Fergus

4  Why is True Worship so Difficult?  We have to break the strangle hold of the world.  Our minds need constant renewal.  Our obedience needs constant refining. James 1:22-24

5  What do I do if My Worship Doesn’t Look Like This? The source of most of the problems people have in their Christian lives relates to two things: either they are not worshiping six days a week with their life, or they are not worshiping one day a week with the assembly of the saints. WE NEED BOTH. John MacArthur

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