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Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health. Community website redesign consultation Julie Wood December 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health. Community website redesign consultation Julie Wood December 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health. Community website redesign consultation Julie Wood December 2015

2 Contents 01 Principles of how the Community Redesign 02 Usage stats of the most viewed pages 03 Results of the survey in terms of what people wanted from the website 04 Site map 05 Home page designs 06 Questions for you and next steps

3 Community website principles Make it much easier for contributors to find what they need Archive what is out of date or isn’t used often—get rid of clutter Put the community website under a log-in from the start to make the user journey easier and less disruptive Content sits in one place with links to other places Combine existing departmental and community website into one website If you have access to editing the community website pages, you will still have the same editing rights Changes to the community website will be based on user activity and continuous improvements

4 Timelines Working to develop initial designs, based on usage and survey results--November Consultation with contributors –through December Review feedback, adjust plans—early Jan. Build Community website—mid-Jan. to mid-Feb. Launch –mid-Feb.

5 Usage stats The design is partly based on usage stats. Key pages viewed, include: --Editorial policy manual—2,800 --Download Revman—11,600 page views --Handbook—7,800 --Gradepro—2,000 --Mecir--480 --CRG review metrics--200

6 Survey results—what you told us We have used all the detailed information to inform our site map on what goes under each heading. Thank you. You also told us, what would make the website a 10: De-cluttering Better navigation / menu Search function improved Clearer layout Easier to find content Nicer design Free App More languages

7 Draft site map Review productionOrganizational infoTechNews and events Production timelinePeopleProductsCurrent events Production timeline graphic (with lots of hyperlinks)Contact infoRevMan (Q)Colloquium CET teamsArchieMid-Year Meeting Production resourcesHow to get CET support CRG Review MetricsSteering Group (sub-groups)Projects Submit a news article/blog post Editorial Policy Manual (Q)Staff inductionCovidenceJob vacancies (S) Handbook (S)EMBASE screeningTraining events (S) MECIRResourcesTransform Priority Reviews ListFAQs (Q)Current news Style ManualBrand packBlog GlossaryNews channel Dissemination resourcesMinutes of CSG meetings PodcastsOrganizational Policy ManualPast events Social media guideStrategy to 2020Colloquia (abstracts?) Translations


9 Slide title text style This is dummy text. It is intended to be read but have no meaning.

10 Consultation questions Thank you for taking the time to watch the webinar. 1.What excites you the most? 2.What worries you the most? 3.What have we missed? 4.What else do you want to tell us about the new community website? Please go to link and fill out questionnaire. Any burning questions or ideas, please email Julie Wood and Nancy Owens. and

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