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High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy Array May1005 Alex Apel Stephen Rashid Justin Robinson.

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1 High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy Array May1005 Alex Apel Stephen Rashid Justin Robinson

2 Problem / Need Statement Problem Traditional Tumor Removal: Invasive HIFU: Non-Invasive Tumor Removal Need Research tool to Control HIFU Therapy Array Independent Control of Transducers

3 Requirements & Wishes Requirements Generate Independent Waveform 1.1 MHz 500W Instantaneous Power 0.01% - 1% Duty Cycle Wishes Collect Feedback Data 50 M Samples / Sec Provide Feedback Access User Interface Clean Interface to System Specify waveform properties Pulse Duty Cycle Pulse Period Pulse Count Relative Phase

4 System Architecture

5 Risks Loss of Team Member Damage to Equipment Lack of Expertise Time Constraints Budget Constraints

6 Software Architecture GUI Input Relative Transducer Phase Transducer Amplitude Signal Period Signal Duty Cycle Start/Stop Generation Output Phase Micro RS-232 Transducer Control Logic Transducer Analog Hardware Feedback Transducer Input Generate Waveform Process Feedback

7 Software Prototype Architecture Micro Control Logic Transducer Analog Hardware Transducer PWM Two Channel Control Hard Coded Waveform

8 Software Implementation User Interface Serial Communication with MCU Graphical Input Microcontroller Prototype Implementation PWM: Direct Control Final Implementation Preliminary Serial Communication

9 Software Testing & Evaluation PC Software Unit Testing of Serial Communication Further Testing: On Hold Microcontroller Software Prototype Software

10 Next Steps Two-way Communication: MCU PC Software Fabrication of PCB Writing Waveforms to RAM Reading Feedback from RAM

11 Digital Architecture MCU Waveform RAM Feedback RAM Analog Circuitry ADC Waveform RAM Feedback RAM Analog Circuitry ADC

12 Digital Implementation Microcontroller Acquisition Complete Writing software Paused for PCB Layout Logic Circuitry IC Acquisition Complete Logical Layout Complete PCB Layout Complete PCB Routing in Progress Prototype Software Fully Implemented Capable of bypassing Logic Circuitry Critical for system prototype

13 Digital Testing & Evaluation Testing Microcontroller Test Code Controls Waveform Directly Logic Circuitry Not Implemented Prototype Software Range of desired Waveforms Evaluation Microcontroller System in place Executes Logic Circuitry System ready for assembly System easily modified Bypassed Prototype Software Asserts Logic Circuitry Waveform

14 Next Steps Microcontroller Complete Software Use ribbon cable to physically connect to PCB Logic Circuitry Assemble the ordered PCB Write and execute waveforms Read back feedback data Remove role of prototype code

15 Analog Implementation H-Bridge Half-Bridge HIP4081A controller

16 Analog Architecture Half-Bridge Controller Half Bridge A High Voltage DC Power Supply Transducer From Micro Transducer Half Bridge B

17 Analog Testing & Evaluation Emulation testing Problems Potential Low power transducer High power transducer

18 Next Steps Further evaluation of half-bridge amplifier Integration with logic circuitry Expansion to more channels Test with Transducer

19 Lessons Learned Prioritize System Features from Beginning Controlling System Scope is Important Order Extra Parts Hardware Takes a Long Time to Realize Knowing Your Tools is Key to Development Time Benefit from Others Experience

20 Acknowledgments Dr. Timothy Bigelow Dr. Randy Geiger Texas Instruments

21 Questions?

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