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CS223: Software Engineering Lecture 1: Welcome to the course.

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1 CS223: Software Engineering Lecture 1: Welcome to the course

2 People Instructor o Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay Teaching Assistant o Vinay Pratap Singh (Ph.D) o Divya Sharma (Ph.D) o Divya Shrivastava (Ph.D) o Shreya Goyal (M.Tech.)

3 Acknowledgement Prof. Partha Pratim Das Department of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

4 Tentative flow of the course MonthTopics JanuaryIntroduction Software Development Phases Requirement Engineering Software Modeling FebruarySoftware Design Coding Software Testing MarchVerification and Validation Bug fixing Software release AprilSoftware Project Management Estimation Software quality Management

5 Evaluation pattern Different components to be considered for final grading o End semester o Mid semester 1 o Mid semester 2 o Term Project Assignment (TPA) o Weightage for individual components TBA

6 Term project Assignment (TPA) A set of TPAs will be announced Students to form a group of four (4) members Grading will be done based on the performance of the individual member, not on the basis of the group There will be NO lab hours However, there will be presentations

7 TPA Timeline

8 Tools to be used Software modeling o Rational ROSE Version control o GitHub Profiling o Gprof Error reporting o Bugzilla Programming Language o C++, Java, Python

9 TPA Execution Model 1.Each group will get one project to design and develop 2.A project mentor will be assigned to each group 3.A mentor is like a client 4.After each phase groups need to present there work 5.Every project will be evaluated phase wise 6.In testing phase the projects will be shuffled 7.All the issues identified by the testing team should be resolved 8.Final release should be according to the clients requirement 9.Groups must adhere to the requirement and design 10.Special credits will be given for innovation.

10 Tentative TPA grading 046810 Outstanding, met all the expectation with innovative ideas Complete submission without error. Without innovation. Missed the submission deadline Incomplete submission Complete submission with major errors Each phase will have a separate weightage A typical distribution

11 Engineering: Skills of Construction Civil Engineering o Construction of Buildings Mechanical Engineering o Construction of Automobiles Electrical Engineering o Construction of Power Plants Software Engineering o Development of Software

12 What Software Engineering is NOT! Programming Data Structures Algorithms Design Testing Deployment Maintenance … Construction!

13 Evolution of Domains Bridge Construction Medicine Airplanes Software Development

14 Bridge Construction Early Wood, Stone Then Iron, Steel Concrete Bridges Constructing a bridge is different from innovating a bridge Engineers use well established metrics to design bridges They do not innovate at this stage

15 Medicine “Health was thought to be restored by purging, starving, vomiting or bloodletting” o Surgeons and barbers specialized in this practice o Widely practiced in 18 th & 19 th century o Declared quackery by 1900 Infection control o Survived surgery, died out of infection o Germ theory and sterility came only in late 1800s (Lister) o Current rate of infection < 2.5%

16 Airplanes Steam powered, hot air Gliders, single man Engine powered 400 BC Chinese fly kite aspiring humans to fly For centuries, we tried to fly like birds… disastrous 1903 Wright brothers’ first flight 12 seconds, 120 feet,10 feet altitude

17 Software Relatively nascent field in comparison Machines are getting faster or more powerful Are we getting better in delivering software applications though?

18 Success (or Lack thereof) How successful are we in developing software? Less than 10% of software projects succeed! Criteria for success? o On time, o Within budget, o Feature complete, o Works (failure free) Why is it so hard to get this right?

19 Change In Projects Changes From Requirements o Customers Learn from the Solution o Business Environment and Conditions Change o Business Processes are Re-engineered Changes From Technology o Tools/Platform Release New Versions o Actual Tool/Platform Capabilities May Vary from Plans Changes From People o Individual Behavior is Unpredictable o Interactions are Complex

20 Software Engineering What’s Engineering? o “the application of science and mathematics by which the properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to people” o “the design and manufacture of complex products ”

21 Software Engineering If software engineering like manufacturing or designing a manufacturing plant? o Is it like making another cell phone or making of cell phones? Manufacturing is predictive o You can measure and control quality, quantity Designing a manufacturing plant is creative/ innovative

22 Software Engineering Most software development is innovative process rather than predictive manufacturing Requires great deal of innovation, interaction / communication

23 Course: Software Engineering We demystify software construction and learn the ‘best practices’

24 Thank you Next Lecture: Introduction to Software Engineering

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