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The Bigger Picture What instrument did Cain use to kill Abel? The Real Issue: Personal Responsibility!

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3 The Bigger Picture What instrument did Cain use to kill Abel? The Real Issue: Personal Responsibility!

4 Questions for the Christian: Can a Christian use Deadly force to defend himself and his family? Can a Christian serve in the military? Can a Christian be a police officer? Can a Christian be supportive of war?


6 Two-categories Pacifist: wrong for a Christian to ever use lethal force. A Christian has a right to defend one’s family, even if it requires lethal force.

7 Why the Christian May Practice Self- Defense Jesus told his disciples to carry swords. – Luke 22:35-38 – Matt. 26:52 “in it’s place” Man’s responsibility to his family – 1 Tim. 5:8 – Only from famine, etc. but not rapist and murderers??? – Even heathens protect the lives of their family when someone is trying to kill them.

8 Why the Christian May Practice Self- Defense No condmenation of penitent soldiers – Luke 3:14 – Acts 10- Cornelius – Acts 16- Phlippian Jailor not told to change profession There are not two different laws for Christians and non-christians – If wrong for Christians to defend, then wrong for non- christians to defend. – There is only one law: The Law of Christ – A common argument made in regard to marriage.

9 What Does God’s Law Say? Rom. 13:1-4 – The government is appointed by God – The government exists to do good and punish evil – We learn that when we resist the government we are resisting God – Government and government officials are authorized to use the sword

10 If right for non-Christians to serve in this role, then right for christians to serve in these roles. Christians have a right to defend his – Family – Community – country

11 Pacifist arguments: Argument 1: God uses evil to accomplish his will. – Ex. Judas. Response: If the Armed Forces/Police sin when they use the sword to protect their citizens, then a Christian sins when he calls upon the Armed Forces/Police to protect him. – We are responsible for what we do through the agency of others!!! – Ex. Stealing – Acts 2:23- although Romans killed Jesus, Jews were guilty – Acts 23- Paul called upon Roman soldiers for protection.

12 Pacifist Argument: Argument 2: The Bible says don’t kill (Exod. 20:13) Response: – A biblical distinction between killing and murder. – Murder: the unauthorized/unlawful taking of human life. – All murder is wrong, not all killing. – Capital punishment: killing but not murder. Gen. 9:6; timeless moral principle. Exod. 21:12 Lev. 24:17

13 Pacifist Argument: Argument 3: But we are to love our enemies (Matt. 5:44) – H. Leo Boles: “Men don’t love their enemies when they are trying to kill them. War nullifies this principle and therefore is opposed to Christianity.”

14 Pacifist Argument: Response: – Should my love for my enemy supersede my love for my family/innocent victims. – Matt. 22:39; “love your neighbor as yourself” – Matt. 7:12; Golden Rule – How can I obey these verses while not protecting an innocent victim? – A misunderstanding about Love Lev. 19:17-18- “love your neighbor” Lev. 20:2 – “surely put him to death”… “stone him with stones” Love does not exclude punishment

15 Pacifist Argument Response: – If we reason this way there are many other foolish arguments that could be made. – Most every prisoner convicted of rape, drunk driving, murder, etc. would probably like to be let free. – The golden rule doesn’t allow evil to go unchecked.

16 Pacifist Argument – “that puts the golden rule to working in reverse. It commits the Golden Rule to protecting the wrong- doer and deserts the victim. It forces the teaching of Christ to aid the evil-doer, and it makes the sermon on the mount a bill of rights for criminals ” - Foy Wallace

17 Pacifist Argument Argument 4: Christians are forbidden from retaliation – Rom. 12:19; “Vengenance is mine, I shall repay,” says the Lord. – Rom. 12:17-18; 17 Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.

18 Pacifist Argument Response: – The point of these passage: we are not to seek personal revenge. – Ironically these passages tell how God offers repayment and justice, that is via the government (Rom. 13:4-5). – Ex. How to address a drunk vandal – Matt. 5:39- “turn the other cheek” Doesn’t mean you can defend yourself or avoid violence Disciple fled from danger Disciples told to bring a sword.

19 Pacifist Argument Argument 5: Christians are not to be involved in carnal warfare. – Our battle is to be a spiritual battle (Eph. 6:12) – My kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36)

20 Pacifist Argument Response: those passages related to the Lord’s spiritual kingdom. God’s spiritual kingdom is not comprised of physical wars. – We don’t convert at the end of the sword – When we fight satan we don’t attack a phyiscal dragon. – Eph. 6:17; “sword of the spirit” – None of this precludes a man serving in the military or being a police officer. – If I serve in the military my spiritual battles are still spiritual ones. – Ex. Parent uses corporal punishment on a child, no one tells him that our war is not against flesh and blood but is a spiritual one. That would be silly.


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