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V7 July 22, 2015 1 Analysis of Alternatives Decision Brief to the SPSRB Instructions / Guidance This template will be used by NESDIS personnel to present.

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Presentation on theme: "V7 July 22, 2015 1 Analysis of Alternatives Decision Brief to the SPSRB Instructions / Guidance This template will be used by NESDIS personnel to present."— Presentation transcript:

1 V7 July 22, 2015 1 Analysis of Alternatives Decision Brief to the SPSRB Instructions / Guidance This template will be used by NESDIS personnel to present an analysis of alternatives to the SPSRB. The Analysis of Alternatives Decision brief will be assigned a suspense data for completion by the SPSRB Process Improvement Working Group (SPI WG). ─ Send briefing to and info copy, and The template is a guide and may require tailoring. However, adherence to the briefing outline is recommended because it ensures the SPSRB is presented the information needed to make decisions. Guidance is contained in the notes page. You can access the notes page by selecting “View” and “Notes Page” from the main menu. The SPSRB may request an Analysis of Alternatives Decision Brief to be presented to the SPSRB. Follow the SPSRB guidance and if you have any questions, ask your division chief. Delete this slide before you send your briefing to the SPSRB secretaries

2 V7 July 22, 2015 2 Analysis of Alternatives For “Title” SPSRB Decision Brief Presenter: Name and office IPT Lead: Name and office Month day, year

3 V7 July 22, 2015 3 Outline Integrated Product Team (IPT) Requirement(s) Capabilities Assessment Technology Improvement Plan Analysis of Alternatives ─ Key Assumptions ─ Product Development and Implementation Options Recommended Option SPSRB Decision

4 V7 July 22, 2015 4 Integrated Product Team (IPT) IPT Lead: IPT Backup Lead: NESDIS Team: ─ STAR: ─ OSPO: ─ OSGS: ─ NCEI: ─ Others: User Team ─ Lead: ─ Others: Oversight Panel (OP) lead: Other OPs involved:

5 V7 July 22, 2015 5 Requirement(s) ─ SPSRB requirement number, title and summary of requirement  Date of Initial Technical Assessment and SPSRB decision ─ Others User community Benefit to user NOAA Mission Goal supported: Mission priority:

6 V7 July 22, 2015 6 Capabilities Assessment Current Operational Capabilities Requested CapabilitiesProposed Operational Capabilities Satellite Source (s) Product Name Accuracy Latency Timeliness Coverage Resolution Other attributes

7 V7 July 22, 2015 7 Shortfalls Current Operational Shortfalls ─ Timeliness ─ Accuracy of Product Define how product development addresses shortfalls Benefit Impact if not funded

8 V7 July 22, 2015 8 Technology Improvement Plan

9 V7 July 22, 2015 9 Option Analysis Key assumptions Summary of options

10 V7 July 22, 2015 10 Option #, “title” Concept of operations overview Capability Benefit to the user community

11 V7 July 22, 2015 11 IT System Architecture Ancillary Data ESPC h/w? Operational ESPC h/w ? Backup STAR or OSPO h/w? Development ESPC h/w, ftp? Dissemination h/w? User System Input Data Includes: ???? Ancillary Data

12 V7 July 22, 2015 12 Option #, “title” Product Delivery/Tracking Name: xxxxxxx ─ List of products to be delivered: xxx MMM YY: Development Phase Begins MMM YY: Pre-operational Phase Begins MMM YY: Operational Phase Begins

13 V7 July 22, 2015 13 Option #, “title” Government Resource Commitments: ─ STAR ─ OSPO ─ OSGS ─ NCEI Rough order of magnitude costs (ROM) Procurement ItemAgency Executing Item 1 st Year2nd Year3 rd Year4 th Year5th Year Totals =>

14 V7 July 22, 2015 14 Option #, “title” Unfunded rough order of magnitude (ROM) costs Funding SourceProcurement ItemAgency Buying Item1 st Year2nd Year3 rd Year4 th Year Totals => Funded Costs Funding SourceProcurement ItemAgency Buying Item1 st Year2nd Year3 rd Year4 th Year Totals =>

15 V7 July 22, 2015 15 Option #, “title” Pros ─ Capability ─ Cost ─ Schedule ─ Others Cons ─ Capability ─ Cost ─ Schedule ─ Others

16 V7 July 22, 2015 16 IPT Recommendation Recommended Option Did the IPT reach consensus on this recommendation? Did the user concur with this recommendation?

17 V7 July 22, 2015 17 SPSRB Decision General comments User input STAR senior representative input OSPO senior representative input OSGS senior representative input Potential courses of action ─ Seek additional information from the user ─ Rework proposal ─ Draft initial project plan and seek funding  Guidance on forming Integrated Product Team ─ Seek upper management and/or NOAA board guidance (e.g., NOSC)? Consensus decision reached? ─ Yes: summarize decision ─ No: summarize decision

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