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Stain-Resistant NanoPants

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Presentation on theme: "Stain-Resistant NanoPants"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stain-Resistant NanoPants
By: Katie Xue

2 What is it? Stain-Resistant NanoPants are pants that resist all stains. When liquid falls on these pants the liquid just falls off. This happens because these pants contain nano sized molecule whiskers and fabric molecules to make something that is stain-resistant.

3 What it’s used for? If you’re a klutz then you could use these pants so if you spill something it won’t show. Also you could use it when your working with water such as a a surfer, swimmer, scuba diver etc. You should use nano pants when it’s wet so your pants won’t feel heavy and you won’t catch a cold.

4 Benefits to society If you get cold when your swimming you could wear Stain-Resistant NanoPants to warm you up. Also you could wear it in the rain and not get wet or catch a cold if it’s cold outside. Or you could just wear these pants to protect you from stains.

5 Can you buy this wonderful product ???????????????????

6 Yes!!!!!!

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