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Bio 12 NEURONS. Joke of the day: Wouldn’t that be great!

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Presentation on theme: "Bio 12 NEURONS. Joke of the day: Wouldn’t that be great!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio 12 NEURONS

2 Joke of the day: Wouldn’t that be great!

3 Review: Neuron  Neurons: cells that conduct nerve impulses. They function electrically to create thought and action in our bodies  Three types of neurons: 1.Sensory neurons 2.Interneurons 3.Motor neurons

4 Parts of a neuron:  Label diagram together

5 Parts of a neuron: 1.Cell body  controls the metabolism and growth of the cell  contains the nucleus. 2.Dendrites  projections of cytoplasm which receive electrochemical messages from the axons of other nerve cells. They conduct impulses towards the cell body.

6 3.Axon  extension of the cytoplasm which carries nerve impulses away from the cell body towards other neurons, glands or muscles (away from the cell body)  the end of the axon is subdivided into many filaments, forming the end brush  transmit impulses away from the cell body Parts of a neuron:

7 Parts of a neuron cont’d: 4.Myelin sheath:  this is the extra covering along the axon of a neuron because they require the insulation to work properly.  it is a glistening white coat of a fatty protein which also provides nourishment to the axon.  Axons that have a myelin sheath are said to be myelinated. 5.Schwann cells:  these are special Glial cells that surround the axon and form the myelin sheath.

8 6.Nodes (Nodes of Ranvier):  the areas between the sections of myelin sheath along an axon.  nerve impulses jump from one node to another which speeds up the movement of the nerve impulses. Parts of a neuron:

9 Message flow in a nerve cell: DendritesCell bodyaxon dendrites etc of next neuron effector (muscle or gland)

10  There is a microscopic gap between the terminal end of the axon and the membrane of another neuron or effector cell.  Nerve impulses must cross this gap as part of the transmission of the impulse.  The synapse must be bridged by a chemical called a neurotransmitter. SYNAPSE

11  Reflexes are involuntary and often unconscious, they are fast because they do not go through the brain.  The reflex arc is the simplest nerve pathway, which occurs without brain coordination. REFLEX ARC

12  Synapse:  Arc Reflex: VIDEO CLIPS

13  Arc Reflex WS  Page 417  Questions 1-5  Arc Reflex Lab Activity TO DO:

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