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The “family dialogue” approach for the promotion of women’s rights, ending FGM and other forms of violence against women. Pascaline SEBGO Senior technical.

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Presentation on theme: "The “family dialogue” approach for the promotion of women’s rights, ending FGM and other forms of violence against women. Pascaline SEBGO Senior technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “family dialogue” approach for the promotion of women’s rights, ending FGM and other forms of violence against women. Pascaline SEBGO Senior technical adviser on women‘s rights/FGM. Programme “Sexual health and human rights” (PROSAD). BURKINA FASO Sector Network Meeting, Kenya. February, 2010 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY German development cooperation BURKINA FASO Unité-Progrès-Justice ******* MINISTERE DE L’ECONOMIE ET DES FINANCES ******** SECRETARIAT GENERAL

2 Content Context of the Family Dialogue Definition Implementation process Results achieved

3 Context of the Family Dialogue Low level of knowledge on women’s rights Violence widespread, Family is the most common place of violence ~3% of women resort to legal services ~2% civil marriages ~30 % of girls between 5 and 14 are victims of FGM Communication through Family Dialogue Communication through Family Dialogue Limited impact of mass communication

4 Context of the Family Dialogue Limited impact of classic approaches - information, education, communication to produce behaviour change Family assembles generations and sexes Family is the first place of socialisation Family provides a protective environment for steps to behaviour change

5 Definition Family dialogue approach: ◦ Uses the family unit for a guided dialogue between its members ◦ to facilitate behaviour change in terms of women’s rights, violence against women and girls, FGM Family: ◦ a group of individuals linked by kinship and organised around a given activity to ensure their livelihood

6 Implementation process – components of the Family Dialogue Baseline studies Training resource persons, facilitators Training selected family members Forum with traditional & religious leaders Family dialogue sessions Public events /games – competitions, collective marriage Meeting to take stock and look at prospects (families, leaders, facilitators) Monitoring and evaluation

7 Implementation process – moderated session in family Women‘s rights Violence against women&girls FGM DIALOGUE between family members 2. Dialogue to identify the opinions and positions, family situation, solution 1. Audio session 3.Commitments by family members 4.Documentation in family book

8 Results in knowledge & attitudes: Improved understanding and approval of women’s rights and rejection of violence against women and girls/FGM 2006: 2008: Realisation that violence against women and girls is not normal FGM accepted as a form of violence against women and girls 2006: 2008: Improved communication within couples ~87% ~19% ~5% ~40%


10 Behaviour change: Results Rise in the net school enrolment of girls 2005-06: 38.13% 2007-08: 50.59% 2008-09: 62,7 Declining violence against women and girls 2006: 32.3% 2008: 9.2% 2009: 4,6% Celebrating civil weddings 2006: 2% 2008: 100% Declining victims of violence(women) 2006: 34% 2008: 8.3% 2009: 3.4

11 Behaviour change: Results Adoption of the approach by associations and authorities High demand from other families, villages, associations and partners to benefit from the Family Dialogue Positive role played by children in resolving conflicts between their parents Women who are victims of violence resort to legal services 2006: 3% 2009: 12.8%


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