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Chapter 23 – Landscape Ecology (and Lake succession and wetland types)

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1 Chapter 23 – Landscape Ecology (and Lake succession and wetland types)

2 ► Landscape mosaic  A quilt-work of different habitats ► Patches  Distinct communities making up the mosaic

3 ► Edge  Where two different landscapes meet  Field bordering a forest  Can be caused by soil differences, fire, grazing, farming, etc

4 ► Ecotone  Blending of two different ecosystems  Trees and grasses meeting and overlapping  Copy the drawing

5 ► Edge Effect  Typically more biodiversity around edges because of varied plant communities  Example: Ruffed Grouse ► Needs a variety of plant cover for it’s food, nesting and courting behavior

6 ► Corridors  Strips of vegetation that connect one patch with another  Function as travel lanes for organisms  Usually created by humans

7 Shade tolerant - Shade tolerant - sugar maple, beech, oak, hickory sugar maple, beech, oak, hickory Shade intolerant trees – Shade intolerant trees – Cherry, Birch, aspen Cherry, Birch, aspen

8 ► Progression of a lake into a field ► This does not typically occur in deep water lakes

9 ► Starts with the cattails, rushes and other surface vegetation growing around the shore. ► These die and fall into the water with other organic matter

10 ► Organic matter continues to build up and more species begin crowding the lake edge ► Oxygen levels drop (b/c of decomposition) and fish species decrease

11 ► Lake finally turns into a marsh, swamp or bog

12 ► Marsh  Frequently flood  More open water and deeper than a swamp  Dominant species are grasses, reeds, shrubs, etc  Fresh, salt or brackish water

13 ► Swamp  Typically have large amounts of woody vegetation  Shallow  Fresh or salt water

14 ► Bog  Fill mostly with precipitation  Poor soils and a lot of sphagnum moss (acidic) ► Low decomposition ► Accumulate peat (dead organic matter)

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