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2. 四字短語的翻譯 (5) 遠望阿里山,煙波浩渺 To overlook A-Li Mountain, it is so extensive and the fog is present all over the lake. 薛雯靜 To overlook A-Li Mountain, it is.

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Presentation on theme: "2. 四字短語的翻譯 (5) 遠望阿里山,煙波浩渺 To overlook A-Li Mountain, it is so extensive and the fog is present all over the lake. 薛雯靜 To overlook A-Li Mountain, it is."— Presentation transcript:

1 2. 四字短語的翻譯 (5) 遠望阿里山,煙波浩渺 To overlook A-Li Mountain, it is so extensive and the fog is present all over the lake. 薛雯靜 To overlook A-Li Mountain, it is so extensive and the fog is present all over the lake. 薛雯靜 Looking the A-Li-Shan from the long distance, the fog is extremely magnificently. 林孟儒 Looking the A-Li-Shan from the long distance, the fog is extremely magnificently. 林孟儒 To gaze afar Alishan, it is like a vast expanse of misty and rolling waters. ( 萬芝俐 潘瑀瓏 ) To gaze afar Alishan, it is like a vast expanse of misty and rolling waters. ( 萬芝俐 潘瑀瓏 )

2 2. 四字短語的翻譯 (5) 遠望阿里山,煙波浩渺 Overlooking Ali mountain, it is like a sea of changeable clouds. ( 高熏梓 李官芷 ) Overlooking Ali mountain, it is like a sea of changeable clouds. ( 高熏梓 李官芷 ) Overlooking far away at Mt. Ali, where likes a tiny point. 莫居亞 Overlooking far away at Mt. Ali, where likes a tiny point. 莫居亞 Overlooking far away at Mt. Ali, it is like a tiny point surrounded by misty waves. ( 改寫自莫居亞 ) Overlooking far away at Mt. Ali, it is like a tiny point surrounded by misty waves. ( 改寫自莫居亞 ) Far in the distance lies the Ali mountain, a vast expanse of misty, rolling waters. (Brenda ’ s) Far in the distance lies the Ali mountain, a vast expanse of misty, rolling waters. (Brenda ’ s)

3 四字短語的翻譯 (6) 景色登峰造極,如癡如醉 The landscape is astonished and make people unforgettable. 薛雯靜 The landscape is astonished and make people unforgettable. 薛雯靜 The landscape is reaching the peak of perfection, making people lose their minds. 潘瑀瓏 The landscape is reaching the peak of perfection, making people lose their minds. 潘瑀瓏 The scene attracts people intoxicated and feels awesome The scene attracts people intoxicated and feels awesome

4 四字短語的翻譯 (6) 景色登峰造極,如癡如醉 The scenery is so best that as if we are enjoying the tasty wine. ( 何逸安 ) The scenery is so best that as if we are enjoying the tasty wine. ( 何逸安 ) Scenery is reach the peak of perfection, is obsessed with it. 李孟璇 Scenery is reach the peak of perfection, is obsessed with it. 李孟璇

5 四字短語的翻譯 (7) 境內湖如明鏡 千峰凝翠 洞壑幽深 風光琦 麗 The lake is like a mirror and the mountain is continuous. The cave is serene and hidden in depth or distance. The view is enchanting. 李孟 璇 (Please combine) The lake is like a mirror and the mountain is continuous. The cave is serene and hidden in depth or distance. The view is enchanting. 李孟 璇 (Please combine) The lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. 潘瑀瓏 The lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. 潘瑀瓏

6 四字短語的翻譯 (7) 境內湖如明鏡 千峰凝翠 洞壑幽深 風光琦 麗 The lake is clear like a mirror. Mountains are so green like green jades. The caves are so long and deep. The landscape is so brilliant. 薛雯靜 The lake is clear like a mirror. Mountains are so green like green jades. The caves are so long and deep. The landscape is so brilliant. 薛雯靜 Within borders, lake clear like a mirror, thousands of green mountain, hole is very deep, landscape is wonderful. 高熏梓 Within borders, lake clear like a mirror, thousands of green mountain, hole is very deep, landscape is wonderful. 高熏梓

7 四字短語的翻譯 (8) 人們都說 “ 桂林山水甲天下 ” ,到桂林依看, 果然名不虛傳。 People say, “ Guilin landscape under heaven. ” When coming to Guilin, it lives up to its name. 高熏 梓 People say, “ Guilin landscape under heaven. ” When coming to Guilin, it lives up to its name. 高熏 梓 They said there are no place like Guilin, is true to its name. 黃立凌 They said there are no place like Guilin, is true to its name. 黃立凌 People say, “ Guilin ’ s scenery is peerless in the world. ” It was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of reputation. (Brenda ’ s ) People say, “ Guilin ’ s scenery is peerless in the world. ” It was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of reputation. (Brenda ’ s )

8 四字短語的翻譯 (9) 此地 依山傍海 綠樹成蔭 氣候宜人 是避暑 勝地 Here is mountains and sea, green trees and forest. The weather is fine, is a resort to hide the summer. 高熏 梓 Here is mountains and sea, green trees and forest. The weather is fine, is a resort to hide the summer. 高熏 梓 This place stays along mountains and rivers, filled with trees and pleasant climate, is a summer resort. 徐智信 潘士楷 This place stays along mountains and rivers, filled with trees and pleasant climate, is a summer resort. 徐智信 潘士楷

9 四字短語的翻譯 (9) 此地 依山傍海 綠樹成蔭 氣候宜人 是避暑 勝地 This place stays along mountains and rivers, filled with trees and the weather is fine. It ’ s a really nice place to be away for the summer. 潘瑀瓏 This place stays along mountains and rivers, filled with trees and the weather is fine. It ’ s a really nice place to be away for the summer. 潘瑀瓏 This place based on the hill at the back and overlooking the sea, the green trees becomes shade, weather is pleasant, it is summer resort. 劉千瑜 This place based on the hill at the back and overlooking the sea, the green trees becomes shade, weather is pleasant, it is summer resort. 劉千瑜 Standing against the hills and by the sea, this beautifyl city surrounded by woods enjoys a pleasant climate and is really a nice summer resort (Brenda ’ s ) Standing against the hills and by the sea, this beautifyl city surrounded by woods enjoys a pleasant climate and is really a nice summer resort (Brenda ’ s )

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